
Tuesday 24 January 2023

Benji and Lucy Lou are off on a trip ….🥳

Benji and Lucy Lou are off on a trip 

She’s taking us in the car
I wonder if we are going far?
I am so excited I can’t keep quiet 
Come on let’s start a riot! 

She’s put us in the back together.
Oh I do hope this is a trip for pleasure.
Let’s sing a song, loud and sharp
Intertwined with a few loud barks. 

I think we may be heading to the beach.
Let’s use this time to plan our siege.
There’s bound to be other dogs there.
Man maybe there will be dogs everywhere!

I’m buzzing I can’t stop whining.
Hey we can even go off rock climbing.
We can dip our paws into the rock pools.
Do zoomies like a couple of fools.

Oh hang on a minute - what’s this.
She’s turned off and telling us to sit. 
This road does look a bit familiar.
Somethings a foot - this is peculiar.

Oh no I really don’t like this.
I’m changing my whining to a higher pitch.
She’s taking us to that horrible place.
I’m desperately doing a memory retrace.

Yes it is the place - the place that I hate. 
Oh man I hope this visit is for you mate.
Last time I was here he stuck his finger up my bottom.
He also rather rudely said my breath was rotten! 

I’m sat in the back simpering and shaking.
Well to be honest I’m actually quaking. 
Here she comes to get me out
Ready Lucy Lou - do your pout.

I dig my heels in and put my head down.
I will do my best to give her the run around.
It’s no good she’s dragged me in.
I’m sitting here completely on pins.

The man comes out and looks around.
Well this is it - the final countdown. 
What delights will it be today.
Prodded and poked much to my dismay.

The man steps forward and I cower down.
I need to escape so I look all around.
The man shouts out  “Lucy Lou”.
Ha ha - I turn - that’s you! That’s you!

Your face has dropped, your ears are down.
But me whoop whoop I’m dancing round.
The man turns to walk away 
He stops and has one more thing to say …..

Bring Benji through as well …….
What me? I don’t even feel unwell!
It’s no good resisting she’s dragging me through.
Oh heck - I think I may need the loo! 

J C Hicks ©️ copyright 24-1-23

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