
Wednesday 11 January 2023

That old jumper

That old jumper

 As you go through life you accumulate things

accumulate accumulate accumulate

clothing, jewellery, books, ornaments, photos

material things


but you also accumulate people

forge friendships over time

people - like clothing in our wardrobe

we keep adding to the wardrobe

adding adding adding

the wardrobe gets fuller and fuller

and that once cherished jumper gets pushed further and further back

you now no longer wear it - but yet you can't let it go

you pick it up, hold it and a flood of memories wash over you

you remember that trip to the theatre, the time you fell over out walking

the time you were told a loved one had died, the time your new puppy lay on it

a garment, a thing, an item but yet you feel an emotional attachment to it

so you see people can feel like that clothing

we travel through life, along our path meeting lots of people as we go

some we try on for size and the fit is just not right 

so many others we have a strong bond with but as time passes it lessens

you don't love them any less but with all the new things entering your life

they slowly ebb further away

but yet when you think of them your heart is full of joy

so many good times and memories that your cherish

so whilst you may no longer see them regularly your still hold them dear

so like that beautiful faithful old jumper you still want it in your life

because you know that you could just pick it back up and it would still fit just right

J C Hicks copyright 5-1-2023

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