
Tuesday 7 February 2023

What’s Your Value?

What’s Your Value?

Cast your mind back to a time not that many months ago.
When we were confined to our houses and had nowhere to go.
Did you notice at that time there was an interesting shift.
It wasn’t the actors, singers and footballers that we missed.

It was the health service workers who helped keep us alive.
It was scientists working tirelessly for a way for us to survive.
We went outside and clapped for them, they were hero’s one and all. 
We were proud if we knew a doctor, nurse or carer always on call.

They risked their lives to save others, at a time we lived in fear.
We were petrified and just wanted to keep our loved ones near.
They looked like aliens behind all their gowns and masks.
They carried out their duties, a list of endless tasks.

And the footballers could do nothing but think outside the box.
As their careers were taken and smashed on the covid ridden rocks.
The public outcry was loud, the health service was our saviour.
Families were in turmoil and some shed many a tear. 

The world suddenly turned human value completely on its head.
Crying out that these people were worth so much, so we should pay them more instead.
Yes we missed our arts and the creators but they couldn’t save  a life. 
Footballers “worth millions” couldn’t spare families from this strife.

How quickly we’ve forgotten what those people all went through.
So much heartache and despair, at the time we wished it wasn’t true.
I will never comprehend how some jobs hold such high value.
Surely as society we can do things better than we do? 

Pembrokeshire Poet - Facebook 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 6/2/23

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