
Thursday 25 May 2023

The town that is no more …..

The town that is no more …..

There once stood sanctuaries 
Now reduced to rubble 
What once was a bustling town 
Now merely bricks, blocks and mortar

Nowhere safe to live or work
A community’s history flatten to the ground
All in the name of war
A war raging on day by day 

Children can no longer play in the street 
No dogs playing freely in what was green space 
A town a shadow of what it once was
All signs of life gone without trace 

People living in fear 
Displaced from their homes
Not knowing what their future may hold
So much loss and so much destruction 

A war that still rages on …….

Saturday 20 May 2023

The messenger from heaven

The messenger from heaven 

I sit and stare intently 
At the garden in full bloom
It’s a place of pure beauty 
It’s where you come to roam

The serenity which surrounds me
Is pure and so divine
It washes and envelops me
It’s like there is no time 

There you sit and look at me
Your head tipped to one side
You hop, jump and walk about
Sometimes it’s like you glide

You often stop in just one place
And I look into your eyes
I wonder if you are a gift from heaven 
My mouth turns to a smile

You seem to sit for such a time 
Just still and majestic 
You live a very simple life
Where mine is very hectic 

I reflect upon the paths we tread
And can see they are so different 
Yours is all about surviving 
Mind feels quite materialistic 

I sense you are a messenger 
From someone no longer here
I wish you could just hop up
And whisper in my ear 

Something startles you 
And you fly away
Mr Blackbird I do so hope
You will be back one day 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 20/5/23

Thursday 18 May 2023

A hole in your soul

 I saw a little piece of you fall away last night.
A tiny hole bored into your soul.

You weren’t aware of this tiny crack opening up.
But I saw pain washing over you like a wave.

Life is closing in around you, creeping up silently.
Every day somehow feeling like it’s a chore.

Every day another layer of sadness washing in.
Suffocating you and I see you fading away.

No light or happiness filtering in 
Days feel like darkness and nights never ending.

I saw a little piece of you fall away last night
Let me help heal your soul and get you through this plight. 

J C Hicks  ©️ 18/5/23

Letters to Heaven

Letters to Heaven 

If heaven could receive letters what would you say 
So much to say since the day you slipped away 
I’d tell you that I’m doing fine and loving my life
It’s not all been perfect - I’ve had my share of strife.

I feel like you’ve been watching me from afar
I’d often stand, look up and imagine you’re a star
Our world stopped spinning on the day that you left. 
At times my heart hurt so much I felt utterly bereft 

But losing you made me a stronger day by day
I was angry and full of pain that you couldn’t stay 
But time has past and now I see that no-one lives forever 
Our time was precious and I have memories to treasure. 

I hope you are looking down and are proud of who I am
I will live a simple life and strive to be the best person I can 
I will tell my grandchildren what a great person you were
You will live on in my heart and I feel you’re always near. 

J C Hicks  ©️ 19/5/23 

Majestic Trees Standing Tall

Majestic Trees Standing Tall 

You stand majestically surveying your land
Alongside a river which around you it wends
You sit small and lost in the foothills of mountains 
Dwarfed by their greatness but you still stand divine 

Your long reaching branches provide shelter to many 
At the top sits a dark raven and to him it’s his castle 
Your branches provide the vital cover he needs
Camouflage comes from your fresh green leaves

Branches like blankets wrap and hide all life underneath
A sanctuary and home which creatures can live beneath 
So much you see standing tall on the landscape 
How many times have you’ve been an escape

Secrets whispered underneath your strong trunk
Secrets which you and your branches will keep
Standing like a tower for year after year 
My, if only we knew all that you've heard 

J C Hicks copyright 18/5/23 

I hope there is a heaven…

I hope there is a heaven… 

I hope there is a heaven,
above us in all its glory.

Somewhere that I can tell 
my great life story.

A story of much joy
and happiness on the way. 

Will the journey to heaven 
Be a glorious, liberating day?

High above the deep blue sky 
Beyond the stars and moon.

Lies a world wrapped in faith
Where some go way too soon. 

I hope there is a heaven
There for you and me. 

J C Hicks Copyright 18-5-23