
Thursday 18 May 2023

Majestic Trees Standing Tall

Majestic Trees Standing Tall 

You stand majestically surveying your land
Alongside a river which around you it wends
You sit small and lost in the foothills of mountains 
Dwarfed by their greatness but you still stand divine 

Your long reaching branches provide shelter to many 
At the top sits a dark raven and to him it’s his castle 
Your branches provide the vital cover he needs
Camouflage comes from your fresh green leaves

Branches like blankets wrap and hide all life underneath
A sanctuary and home which creatures can live beneath 
So much you see standing tall on the landscape 
How many times have you’ve been an escape

Secrets whispered underneath your strong trunk
Secrets which you and your branches will keep
Standing like a tower for year after year 
My, if only we knew all that you've heard 

J C Hicks copyright 18/5/23 

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