
Saturday 24 June 2023

Open Your Soul

Open Your Soul 

Wear your soul on the outside
Make other people smile
Show off your soul with pride 
Send negativity into exile

Your soul is your invisible power
When we die our souls are no more
Like when petals fall from the flower 
Or the sea rolls back from the sandy shore 

We are our souls, whole and true 
We’re not our physical bodies 
The universe is calling out to you 
So be you don’t be carbon copies 

Set your soul free to soar and grow
Listen to those voices in your head
You have inner beauty to put on show
So open your soul - let happiness spread 

J C Hicks copyright 23-6-23

Battle lines are drawn

Battle lines are drawn 

You stand defiant 
Not moving a muscle
You think you are a giant
I know you’re on a hustle

The battle lines drawn
I firmly fold my arms 
You’ve not got the brawn
I won’t weaken to your charms

Suddenly a change of tact
A smile sweeps across your face 
I feel my resolve crack
You’ve innocently played your ace

Please nana please 
Like butter wouldn’t melt 
You’ve won again with ease
Now a hug that’s heartfelt 

I give up, I give in
Alright I will get the biscuit tin 🤦🏻‍♀️

Monday 19 June 2023

Man’s Best Friend

Man’s Best Friend

I look at you
You look at me
Neither of us make a sound 
But we both can see

You tilt your head
And I tilt mine
I smile and laugh
You stay transfixed 

No words exchanged 
Just meaningful looks
I’m sure you understand me
You know that I love you

I shake my head and walk away
You stand up and follow me
I stop and look into your eyes
Faithful, loyal and dependable 

My best friend 
We’ve never even spoken 
But you have my heart 
Unconditional love right there

Dogs - man’s best friend ❤️

Sunday 18 June 2023

Faith - a journey of trust

Faith - A Journey of Trust 

Lord, are you busy I think I’d like to chat.
I know that praying is something I’m not good at. 
I never know what I’m supposed to say
In fact I’m not sure I know how to pray?

I think you are listening all the time.
To be honest that is absolutely fine. 
But when it’s down to just you and me
How do I know if you are even free?

Do I have to fall down on my knees?
I try but then my thoughts just freeze.
I feel a bit silly talking to myself.
I know it’s a moment to find oneself.

There’s been some bumps along the road.
At times it’s felt like life may just implode. 
Invisible chains choking all of my thoughts.
An army of hands tying my stomach in knots. 

Darkness enveloping all my mind and soul.
Hopes and dreams being sucked into a black hole.
But Lord where were you in my time of need? 
I thought you’d somehow intercede?

My child, do you think oxygen doesn’t exist? 
Air seeping in your body like a life giving kiss.
You can’t see it but you know that it’s there.
I can and do interpret your silent prayers. 

You thought I wasn’t there in your darkest hours.
But I was there, up amongst the moon and stars.
I knew you had the strength to weather that storm.
Those hard times helped your heart and soul to form. 

I silently guided you through those hard times.
You simply couldn’t see all those reassuring signs.
Just open your heart, mind and soul.
Let words flow out like they’re out of control. 

I’m here for you child and will never let go.
Day by day your Christian faith will grow.
Like the air you can’t see, I am wrapped around you. 
Just remember to speak words which are true to you. 

Lord I think I now know how to pray
In You I have to trust and obey. 
What you say - I will do.
Where you send me - I will go.

In you I trust and obey.

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 9/5/23

Friday 16 June 2023

One Grain of Sand

One Grain of Sand 

Time is precious
It slips through our fingers
As easy as grains of sand
And like the sand we don’t appreciate it
One grain of sand on its own
What value has that?
One second in time
It’s merely the blink of an eye
Put all those grains together 
You have a glorious sandy beach
Put all the seconds of your life together
You have a lifetime of memories
But in just one second your whole life can change
Appreciate those seconds
They are as precious as that grain of sand 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 16/6/23 

Thursday 15 June 2023

All I did was love you

(To the tune of Fix You - Coldplay) 

When you said you were leaving
I let you go
You turned and left me all alone
I didn’t know what it was I’d done
My head just hurt 

I just sat alone and cried
I felt like inside I’d died 
And you, you were nowhere 

We’d had a row and I’d called you out
We’d screamed, cried and all you did was shout
I tried to tell you that you were wrong 
You just didn’t care 

I just sat alone and cried
I felt like inside I’d died 
And you, you were nowhere 

I ran straight out through the door 
Hoping to see you just once more
I ran through the darkened streets 
Hoping it would be you I’d meet 

I just sat alone and cried
I felt like inside I’d died 
And you, you were nowhere 

So now my heart is torn in two 
I know I’m no-one without you
But I saw the spark go from eyes
I sat mystified 

Now I sit alone and cry
Just wondering why oh why
All I did was love you 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 11/6/23

Captivating Caldey

Captivating Caldey 

Waves gentle landing on your golden sands
Wave after wave washing onto this holy land
Flowers bursting out in a kaleidoscope of colours
Blooming over and over for so many summers

Birds swoop and sway in the deep blue skies
A feast for our soul before our eyes
I step on the sand and it seeps through my toes 
An enchanting island that time simply froze 

The sun on the sea glistening like angels kisses
Through the woodland peeps out all of natures riches
Bees, butterflies, birds hiding the beautiful bountiful bushes 
In this perfect piece of paradise no one thing rushes 

Churches tucked away amongst the majestic trees
Tranquil and perfect - where your soul can be free
So many secrets shared between you and your maker 
Simple headstones for those gone to a place even greater 

A slice of paradise surrounded by serene seas
Is this what heaven is like - is this a gentle tease
I lie down and sink into the soft, smooth, silky sand 
I’m sure that I feel the whole of nature holding my hand. 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 15/6/23

Sunday 11 June 2023

The Here and Now

The Here and Now

Without doubt

The sun will rise
The sun will set
The moon will come out
The stars will shine
The tide rolls in
The tide rolls out

All we have is the here and now 

J C Hicks Copyright 11-6-23

Saturday 10 June 2023

She danced

She danced 

She danced like her heart depended on it
She danced like she was all alone
She danced like a free spirit
She danced like she was wearing her soul on the outside
She danced and all her worries melted away
She danced - simply because she could 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 10/6/23 

Friday 9 June 2023

We Live In A Beautiful World

We Live In A Beautiful World

We live in a beautiful world
Flowers hanging like pearls
Beautiful butterflies drifting on by
Birds soaring up in the deep blue skies

Creatures crawling and creeping around 
Birds swooping making a choral sound 
Lush green grass lies like a soft blanket 
A medley of fresh flowers that you can cut 

Trees standing tall like a century guard 
Massive mountains making a picture postcard 
Rivers that trickle, bubble and run
Sumptuous seas, waves glistening in the sun 

Our human race is polluting its beauty 
Protecting the environment is our duty
Suffocating the land and sea with plastics
When our world is beautiful and fantastic 

Our human hearts, souls and minds 
All intertwined and making us kind 
Our eyes see the glory laid out before us 
Humans are far from superfluous 

We live in a beautiful world 
And every day it’s beauty unfurls 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 9/6/23