
Sunday 18 June 2023

Faith - a journey of trust

Faith - A Journey of Trust 

Lord, are you busy I think I’d like to chat.
I know that praying is something I’m not good at. 
I never know what I’m supposed to say
In fact I’m not sure I know how to pray?

I think you are listening all the time.
To be honest that is absolutely fine. 
But when it’s down to just you and me
How do I know if you are even free?

Do I have to fall down on my knees?
I try but then my thoughts just freeze.
I feel a bit silly talking to myself.
I know it’s a moment to find oneself.

There’s been some bumps along the road.
At times it’s felt like life may just implode. 
Invisible chains choking all of my thoughts.
An army of hands tying my stomach in knots. 

Darkness enveloping all my mind and soul.
Hopes and dreams being sucked into a black hole.
But Lord where were you in my time of need? 
I thought you’d somehow intercede?

My child, do you think oxygen doesn’t exist? 
Air seeping in your body like a life giving kiss.
You can’t see it but you know that it’s there.
I can and do interpret your silent prayers. 

You thought I wasn’t there in your darkest hours.
But I was there, up amongst the moon and stars.
I knew you had the strength to weather that storm.
Those hard times helped your heart and soul to form. 

I silently guided you through those hard times.
You simply couldn’t see all those reassuring signs.
Just open your heart, mind and soul.
Let words flow out like they’re out of control. 

I’m here for you child and will never let go.
Day by day your Christian faith will grow.
Like the air you can’t see, I am wrapped around you. 
Just remember to speak words which are true to you. 

Lord I think I now know how to pray
In You I have to trust and obey. 
What you say - I will do.
Where you send me - I will go.

In you I trust and obey.

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 9/5/23

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