
Sunday 31 December 2023

Your Invisible Cape

Your Invisible Cape

I wear an invisible cape 
Most of us do.
Some know they have it 
And it’s been their life glue.

My cape doesn’t mean 
that I’m a super hero.
It can take me at top speed 
But then drop down to zero.

It’s a sad state of affairs 
That not all capes are equal
And our early roots 
Can determine our sequel.

Society can also dictate
The shape and fit of our cape.
Forcing many to wear capes
That don’t fit their shape.

Some people are lucky 
And get a cape and passion.
Some capes are heavy
And cannot be unfastened.

The design of your cape
Is set early on
But it doesn’t have to be
The one that you don.

I can see you looking 
On most perplexed.
I can see that I’ve not
Shared my pretext.

This invisible cape I refer to 
Is your education.
But don’t think it’s just
From birth to graduation.

Each day we start anew 
New day and new dawn
Opportunities for learning 
To keep us moving on.

So never think 
It’s just too late for me. 
Remember education is vital
 and can help turn that key. 

J C Hicks Copyright 3-1-23

Ups and Downs

Today someone will take their last breath
Today someone will take their first breath
Today is the last day of the year
Tomorrow we start a new year
It will be a year with heartache and pain
It will be a year with happiness and joy
It will be a year with tears and sadness
It will be a year with laughter and joy

Life has ups and downs - the road is always unknown 
All we can hope is the ups outweigh the downs
The downs can help us reflect and appreciate the ups 

So I hope 2024 is kind to you 
And you can find the strength to get through the hard times
If you have one New Year’s resolution 
Keep it simple 

Be kind to yourself ❤️

Joanne C Hicks 31/12/23 copyright ©️ 

Thursday 28 December 2023

A growing derrière! 🙈

 A growing derrière

I’m starting to feel like a certain vicar we all know
Who had to eat several Christmas dinners all in a row

I’ve finished off the turkey and the stuffing is nearly gone
But the food mountain just seems to go on and on

The pate isn’t even opened and it’s use by date is nigh 
I think I can fit it in over the weekend if I really try 

The cheese has made a mini mountain upon my fridge shelf
I’m wondering if I should have sent some to Santa via his elf

The Quality Street seems to have a never ending bottom 
I’ve got Prosecco, gin, brandy and even hot and spicy rum 

I’m doing my best to get through it but failing pretty fast
The problem is that my derrière is becoming pretty vast 

So I’ve set myself a deadline to get through this festive feast
So the diet starts in January before I become more obese! 

Joanne C Hicks 28/12/24 copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 26 December 2023

Presence not presents

The wrapping paper is in the bin
Santa Claus and his elves have been 
You may not have got all that you wished for 
We always seem to be wanting more

The fridge is full of turkey leftovers
Dads sporting new socks and pullovers
Mums are happy but exhausted 
Were they appropriately supported?

The lounge is strewn with toys and gifts
With washing up being done in shifts
It comes around just once a year 
Soon the decorations will disappear

I hope it was a day of joy
For every girl and boy
But time is the most precious gift of all 
Making memories we will one day recall 

So don’t fret if yours was a simple day
You must do Christmas your own way
It’s not about the food and presents 
It’s all about your unique presence 

Joanne C Hicks 26/12/23 copyright ©️ 

Saturday 23 December 2023

Pre-Christmas life

 I’m doing my bit for Christmas 

By eating all the pies

But now I’ve noticed 

My belly’s grown by miles 😱

I guess I will have to stop

Before my tum explodes

Aw well may as well wait til next year 

I will never be trim and toned 😂🙈

Joanne C Hicks 20-12-23  ©️

Thursday 14 December 2023

The Christmas Robin

 The Christmas Robin 

I was there, I was the the first to see
The start of a story of greatness and glory
I saw Mary shed a joyful tear
And watched as Joseph always stayed near
I saw the wondrous star shining bright 
It truly was a glorious leading light
I watched them lay the baby down to sleep
He didn’t stir and nor did he let out a peep
I knew I had to fly and tell one and all 
The whole of mankind must hear my call
I puff out my bright red breast
I really have no time to rest
I sit and take in the sight before me
Just a Christmas Robin sitting in his tree
But I was there
I was the first to see 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 14/12/23