
Thursday 28 December 2023

A growing derrière! 🙈

 A growing derrière

I’m starting to feel like a certain vicar we all know
Who had to eat several Christmas dinners all in a row

I’ve finished off the turkey and the stuffing is nearly gone
But the food mountain just seems to go on and on

The pate isn’t even opened and it’s use by date is nigh 
I think I can fit it in over the weekend if I really try 

The cheese has made a mini mountain upon my fridge shelf
I’m wondering if I should have sent some to Santa via his elf

The Quality Street seems to have a never ending bottom 
I’ve got Prosecco, gin, brandy and even hot and spicy rum 

I’m doing my best to get through it but failing pretty fast
The problem is that my derrière is becoming pretty vast 

So I’ve set myself a deadline to get through this festive feast
So the diet starts in January before I become more obese! 

Joanne C Hicks 28/12/24 copyright ©️ 

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