
Tuesday 26 December 2023

Presence not presents

The wrapping paper is in the bin
Santa Claus and his elves have been 
You may not have got all that you wished for 
We always seem to be wanting more

The fridge is full of turkey leftovers
Dads sporting new socks and pullovers
Mums are happy but exhausted 
Were they appropriately supported?

The lounge is strewn with toys and gifts
With washing up being done in shifts
It comes around just once a year 
Soon the decorations will disappear

I hope it was a day of joy
For every girl and boy
But time is the most precious gift of all 
Making memories we will one day recall 

So don’t fret if yours was a simple day
You must do Christmas your own way
It’s not about the food and presents 
It’s all about your unique presence 

Joanne C Hicks 26/12/23 copyright ©️ 

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