
Friday 29 March 2024

29/03/2024 - Peel That Onion

 Friday. 29th March

We are peeling back the onion every day
We can’t believe all that they say
The poor post masters sit head in hands 
For years nobody listened to their demands
Now all we hear is lie after lie
So many sat questioning why?
This country should be ashamed of this fiasco
It’s just the truth - that’s all we want to know
So stop playing games and peel off all the layers 
Post office managers and the government just betrayers
At the centre of this farce are poor innocent people 
This horrendous scandal is nothing but pure evil! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 28 March 2024

28/03/2024 - Look Within

Thursday 28th March 2024

She spent her days looking in vain 
For something she thought she must attain
It tore her up inside her tortured soul
Hunting down this elusive goal
Then a wise woman stopped and spoke to her 
She told her to ignore the goals trying to woo her 
For what you seek is a perfect world 
Wading through dreams that swim and swirl
Stop looking out and look within 
Then your life will truly begin 
It’s not that perfection doesn’t exist
You are perfect already - a fact you’ve missed 

Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Wednesday 27 March 2024

27/03/2024 - The Joys Of Competition

Thursday 27th March 

Hello I’d like to review my contract please
Surely a question you can answer with ease?
Yes certainly madam just hold the line
Let’s see if the pricing we can refine

They pop me on hold with some dreadful muzik
It’s truly awful makes me feel quite sick
I wait and I wait - I check the line
Yes everything still seems fine

Where have they gone - Timbukto?
I do have other things to do!
Finally they are back, let’s get to it
They’ve got the prices so let’s go through it

Oh dear me what follows next 
Is a financial maze leaving me perplexed 
Could you just tell me X and explain Y 
Another confusing blurb is their reply

I just simple want to know what it will cost!
You’ve presented a mass of options and I’m just lost!
We’ve been on the phone for nearly an hour
My tone is now decidedly sour 

I finally concede with despair in my voice 
It feels I really have no choice
Thank you privatisation it’s been a blast
It seems to me it’s just put the customer last! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet FB 

Saturday 23 March 2024

23/03/2024 - Puppy Dog Eyes

Saturday 23rd March 2024

Won’t you share your tea with me 
It looks delicious, I know you agree
A big, fat juicy steak 
There upon your plate
Look into my eyes 
The size of mince pies
How can you resist my puppy dog eyes
I’ve lapped my lips and given cute sighs
But still you don’t seem to want to share
I’m man’s best friend and it’s like you don’t care
Oh no it looks like you have finished 
The steak very much diminished 
I let out a small, sad whine
As you just sit and sip your wine
Just one morsel was all I desired
Right as my human - you are most definitely fired! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Friday 22 March 2024

22/03/2024. - A Royal Diagnosis

Friday 22nd March 2024

The public thought they had a right to know
TikTok putting on its on elaborate show 
Rumours flying left, right and centre 
People starting to resent her

Stories and lies hitting social media feeds 
The Princess wants privacy the royal palace pleads
No the baying crowd wanted more 
She’s left him they would all implore

We have a right to know your business 
What is this strange mysterious illness?
Tell us, tell us, tell us now! 
The people stooped to a new low 

The noise kept growing day by day 
Why won’t the palace just say?
A woman at the centre of this farce 
There was a reason facts were sparse

Why couldn’t they just leave her be
Now her pain laid out for all to see
A family dealing with a bitter blow
A cancer diagnosis is what we now know 

Every person has a right to privacy
People sitting in their towers of ivory!
At the end of the day there’s a family hurting
Now I find the conspiracy theories so disconcerting 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 21 March 2024

21/03/2024 - Shut The Door Please!

Thursday 21st March 2024

Close the door behind you
Shouts springtime to winter
You’ve left everything soaking
And the winds got out of hand

I haven’t finished yet 
Replied winter with a grin
It may be the end of March
But I’m having one last cold fling 

Well make it quick and snappy
Retorts spring with a sigh
So many people are longing for blue skies 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Wednesday 20 March 2024

20/03/2024 - Where’s My Crystal Ball …..

Wednesday 20th March 2024

Never think you know where your life is going
If you look hard you will always find a cup overflowing 
Even at your lowest you must look for some light
Never give up caring and find a passion for your fight
Open up your mind and watch the opportunities flow in
Maybe, just maybe you will sit and think - where do I begin?

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 19 March 2024

19/03/2024 - The Easter Bonnet

Tuesday 19th March 2024 

My grandson made an Easter bonnet and put it on his head
He said he was going to wear it from morning until bed

He wore it at his Easter parade 
Where he gave his mum a wave 

Next a hot chocolate topped with cream
It really was every young boy’s dream

We took a trip to the arcade where he sat upon the rides
To everyone who went past he tapped his hat and smiled 

We couldn’t pass the beach without going for a walk 
He held his hat tightly as the seagulls overhead did squawk

He had to have an ice lolly while we sat and watched the sea
The only time he took his hat off and handed it to me 

You can’t go to Tenby without buying some hot chips 
The hat firmly on his head with tomato sauce around his lips 

He climbed up into the car, he was one tired little boy
When you’ve got an Easter bonnet you don’t need any toys

My grandson made an Easter bonnet and put it on his head
He said he was going to wear it from morning until bed

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Monday 18 March 2024

18/03/2024 - Don’t Look Back

Monday 18th March 

If you live in the past
Will you ever move forward?

If you keep looking back 
Will you ever see where you are going?

If you relive history every day
Will you make the best memories?

If you harbour past negativities 
Will you ever live positively?

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Sunday 17 March 2024

17/04/2024 - Winter Caves Be Gone

Sunday 17th March

Everyone’s emerging from their winter caves
Does this mean spring is really on its way
The rain has kept on pouring upon our sodden lands 
We all now have weird flippers for feet and hands

It’s nice to see those faces emerging from the dark
We can get out and enjoy walks at the beach or park
It’s been a long, wet winter we’re ready for some sun
My relationship with my raincoat is well and truly done!

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Saturday 16 March 2024

16/03/2024 - The Key Is Happiness

Saturday 16/03/2024

Never stop laughing along the way
Happiness is the key come what may
It’s ok to be sad some of the time
We don’t always have to feel fine
But when you feel blue
You know what to do 
Turn up the corners of your mouth
Because laughter is what it’s all about 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 14 March 2024

14/03/2024 - How Many Rungs On A Ladder?

Thursday 14th March 

Never give up on your dreams  
No matter how mad they may seem 
Never think you know how life is mapped 
There’s always ambition left unwrapped

Always keep a wide open mind  
Life is most definitely not defined 
Challenges keep us feeling young 
Remember a ladder has more than one rung! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Wednesday 13 March 2024

13/03/2024 - run like the wind

Wednesday 13th March

The wind rushed past my shoulder
It had somewhere to be
I stood still wishing I could hold her 
It just washed over me 

I couldn’t see it, touch it or taste it 
But I knew that it was there 
Like a child I had the urge to chase it
So I ran without a care …….

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 12 March 2024

12/03/2024 - All that glitters…. Equals calories 😂🙈

Tuesday 12th March 2024

When you reach inside your hoodie pocket 
And find the incriminating evidence deposits
Those shiny wrappers in your hands
The reason you’re not shifting pounds

Like a magpie drawn to the glitter 
Calories once wrapped in whats now litter 
Sadly I am just addicted to the sweet stuff 
And never quite know when to say - enough! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 7 March 2024

07/03/2024 - Up and Up

Thursday 7/3/2024

The bills are soaring 
My heart is roaring
Everything has just gone up and up
I don’t have an overflowing cup
All we can do is try to survive 
We’re all better off - mmm that’s a lie! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Wednesday 6 March 2024

06/03/2024 - Rain Rain Stay Away

Wednesday 06/03/2024 

Two days of sunshine in a row 
It’s really going to help plants grow
It surely can’t last for long…..
We’re always drowning in the land of song 
So I’m sitting here with a glimmer of hope 
If it starts raining again I’m not sure I’d cope 😂 ☔️ 

Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 5 March 2024

05/03/2024 - Shop Shutter Mayhem

Tuesday 5th March 

I stood outside the shop minding my own business 
Then the weirdest thing happened, you ever did witness
I was lifted up into the air like a rocket into space 
My legs were up and head down - you should’ve seen my face 
There I was suspended by the shutter
My shopping trolley lying in the gutter
To my horror I was left hanging way up high
Like an angel flying through the sky
Now my face is all over National T.V. 
As people say - it’s the funniest thing you’ll see 

I do hope poor Anne Hughes has recovered from her ordeal - I think she saw the funny side once safely back on the ground 🙈

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Monday 4 March 2024

04-03-2024 - RNLI

Monday 4th March 2024

For two hundred years they’ve kept us safe 
Many rescues becoming a difficult case
They’ve put their lives on the line 
An organisation that truly shines 

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution 
Their creation was a revolution 
Established two hundred years ago 
We’ve seen this charity continue to grow

The lives they’ve saved are too many to count 
An organisation we couldn’t do without
Manned by a group of hardy volunteers 
So let’s make sure it’s here another 200 years! 

So take a moment just to say - thank you 
And just pray they never have to rescue you! 

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Joanbe C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Sunday 3 March 2024

03-03-2024 - Time Stand Still

Sunday 3rd March 2024

Time please stand still
I want to enjoy this moment
The hours, days and years fly by 
I look back and wonder where they’ve gone
I’m always looking forward
Thinking about tomorrow
Planning for my future 
Whilst looking at my past
Time - please stand still
Just let me enjoy the here and now  
Soak up every feeling, emotion and moment

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️

Saturday 2 March 2024

02/03/2024 - A Special Place

Saturday 2nd March 

Do you have a special place you go
To reflect and just let go
To sit and talk to those no longer here
Who you once held so close and dear
Do you have a special place you go
Where of this world you just let go 

Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Friday 1 March 2024

01/03/2024 - Hello - won’t you hold my hand

Friday 1st March 

The sea rolled gently over the sand
Hello - won’t you stay and hold my hand?
I can’t stay long - I have to go
I’ve got places to be don’t you know
The sea crept over the grains of sand
And for a moment sea and sand were hand in hand 

Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️