
Wednesday 27 March 2024

27/03/2024 - The Joys Of Competition

Thursday 27th March 

Hello I’d like to review my contract please
Surely a question you can answer with ease?
Yes certainly madam just hold the line
Let’s see if the pricing we can refine

They pop me on hold with some dreadful muzik
It’s truly awful makes me feel quite sick
I wait and I wait - I check the line
Yes everything still seems fine

Where have they gone - Timbukto?
I do have other things to do!
Finally they are back, let’s get to it
They’ve got the prices so let’s go through it

Oh dear me what follows next 
Is a financial maze leaving me perplexed 
Could you just tell me X and explain Y 
Another confusing blurb is their reply

I just simple want to know what it will cost!
You’ve presented a mass of options and I’m just lost!
We’ve been on the phone for nearly an hour
My tone is now decidedly sour 

I finally concede with despair in my voice 
It feels I really have no choice
Thank you privatisation it’s been a blast
It seems to me it’s just put the customer last! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ Pembrokeshire Poet FB 

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