
Tuesday 19 March 2024

19/03/2024 - The Easter Bonnet

Tuesday 19th March 2024 

My grandson made an Easter bonnet and put it on his head
He said he was going to wear it from morning until bed

He wore it at his Easter parade 
Where he gave his mum a wave 

Next a hot chocolate topped with cream
It really was every young boy’s dream

We took a trip to the arcade where he sat upon the rides
To everyone who went past he tapped his hat and smiled 

We couldn’t pass the beach without going for a walk 
He held his hat tightly as the seagulls overhead did squawk

He had to have an ice lolly while we sat and watched the sea
The only time he took his hat off and handed it to me 

You can’t go to Tenby without buying some hot chips 
The hat firmly on his head with tomato sauce around his lips 

He climbed up into the car, he was one tired little boy
When you’ve got an Easter bonnet you don’t need any toys

My grandson made an Easter bonnet and put it on his head
He said he was going to wear it from morning until bed

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

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