
Tuesday 5 March 2024

05/03/2024 - Shop Shutter Mayhem

Tuesday 5th March 

I stood outside the shop minding my own business 
Then the weirdest thing happened, you ever did witness
I was lifted up into the air like a rocket into space 
My legs were up and head down - you should’ve seen my face 
There I was suspended by the shutter
My shopping trolley lying in the gutter
To my horror I was left hanging way up high
Like an angel flying through the sky
Now my face is all over National T.V. 
As people say - it’s the funniest thing you’ll see 

I do hope poor Anne Hughes has recovered from her ordeal - I think she saw the funny side once safely back on the ground 🙈

Pembrokeshire Poet 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

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