
Tuesday 20 September 2022

On borrowed time …… eat it!

On borrowed time …… eat it!

A bar of chocolate in the drawer,
Is always sitting on borrowed time.
It’s like you can almost hear it roar,
Eat me - go on - it won’t be a crime.

You sit and ignore that nagging voice,
That seems to get louder as the night goes on.
You think of your diet - yes make the right choice.
You will have dropped a dress size before long.

I mean you’ve been on this diet for a whole 6 hours
So your body is already feeling wonderfully fit.
What if you ran up and down all the stairs?
That would counter balance the calories wouldn’t it? 

I mean everyone deserves a treat every now and then
You have eaten like a church mouse most of the day.
You could always just start the whole diet thing again?
I mean let’s be honest it’s a week until you weigh.

Oh yes that poor bar of chocolate is on borrowed time
It’s sat nice and cosy and probably feeling quite lonely.
Nestled in the drawer, which is not too far from the wine.
Why don’t they make the nice things calorie free - if only! 

I will just eat the chocolate and start over tomorrow.
I’m sure I’ve probably lost a pound or two today.
Ohhh maybe I should have some juicy, red tomatoes.
Blow it - I’ll get the forbidden fruit and munch away. 

Eat the chocolate 
Light the posh candles
Use the bath bombs
Drink the wine 
Enjoy yourself 
Everything in moderation - eh 😉

Copyright © J C Hicks

Monday 19 September 2022

Your final journey 1926-2022

Your final journey 1926-2022

And so it is that the sun is setting on this historical day.
A day filled with thanksgiving and we saw a nation pray.
Your coffin laid onto a large heavy gun carriage. 
Bound for Westminster Abbey, where you were married.

A carriage that once carried your father, the King.
The Abbey filled with glorious sounds as choristers sing.
The place of your coronation - the start of a 70 year reign.
The day that you passed away filled us with so much pain.

One hundred and forty two naval seamen undertook their duty.
A military procession filled with spectacular beauty.
So the nation and world could reflect on your life. 
Today was not the day for disagreements or strife.

Your coffin adorned with a crown, orb and sceptre.
You always knew that God was your great protector.
In the peace and the silence the tenor bell tolled 96 times.
One for each year of your life that bell did chime.

The sun streamed down and in through stain glass windows.
In the great architectural abbey lay no deep, dark shadows.
Upon your coffin lay a simple wreath of home flowers.
Each of the blooms having a reason for their assemblance.
Myrtle for marriage and Rosemary for remembrance.

The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended but your legend begins.
For you, our Queen have truly gained your Angel wings.
A young Prince and Princess wanted to be part of this day.
You were their shepherd, guiding them along their way.

A nation fell silent - simply united in gladness but also grief.
A comfort to so many was knowing that you had great faith.
Each corner of the abbey filled with singing and praise. 
Your relentless hard work, dedication to duty - never ceased to amaze.

In the place where you married and were given your crown.
You vowed to all your people you’d never let them down.
Throughout your long reign you led from deep within your soul.
And now it is God’s dwelling place where you now shall go.

Your faith comforted you, as death opened the door to glory.
You would have known that you were stepping into holy territory.
Nothing can separate mankind from the love of God.
Though we are sure that, sometimes, even your life was flawed.

As you left Westminster Abbey the crowds were amassed.
A ripple of applause, like waves, rose up as you passed.
The people threw flowers as a symbol of gratitude.
This sight was a wall of thanks in such magnitude.

A sea of red accompanied you down the long Mall.
A Queen who wanted so much to be seen by all.
Onwards you travelled to your great home, Windsor 
Where thousands lined the streets - hoping to see Her.

Then in the depths of St George’s chapel a son pays his respect.
Laying out the company camp colour - taking a moment to reflect.
Symbols of your reign now removed from your coffin.
Know this ma’am, your reign will never be forgotten.

All lives have a beginning and an end - alpha and omega.
So it is now we must look forward to a bright new era.
A lone piper stands and plays his final lament.
A monarch, our Queen, he was proud to represent.

So as the sound of the piper slowly faded away
It was a final farewell on this historic day.
Gun salutes were heard as the Sebastopol bell rung out.
For a mother, a queen, a leader and a Christian devout.

So now as our period of national mourning comes to end.
We give thanks for a long life that was truly a god send. 
It is now that your family and our King can grieve.
As momentary from public life they can take their leave.

A numbness and disbelief that you are actually gone.
A gracious, regal lady who was truly hands on.
Now your throne awaits you in heaven. 
Take your rightful place as to where you ascend. 

Copyright © J C Hicks

God Save The King

Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, and Sovereign of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. 

Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth II

The River of Life

The River of Life 

Life is like a river 
wending its way down the steep mountain.
It’s pace often fast and turbulent,
At times nothing more than a mere trickle.

But down the mountain that rivers flows,
It seeks out its path and somehow gets through.
It dances, it shimmers and gleams in the sun.
At times its so full as the rain bounces down.
Other times it’s energy depleted and not all gets through.

The path that it follows is one that’s well tread.
So many droplets make up that great flow.
A force of nature sometimes for the good.
At other times destructive and a life changing flow.

Along its journey that water helps others to grow.
The mosses and heathers dancing along its banks.
The fishes and animals who make this their home.
Like a beating heart pulsing your life blood to all.

At some point in time that river or stream ends.
Perhaps its final hurray over a wonderful waterfall.
Or that clear sparkling water may join the great seas.
No longer alone but in a mass of great glory.

So our lives are reflected in this mighty element.
Some days are hard - others full of joy and happiness.
At times it feels lonely but we try and get through.
The end of journey - who really knows?
But I hope there’s a glorious end,
Like entering a great deep ocean, I’m joined in glory,
with the masses and those that I have loved.

Copyright © J C Hicks

Thursday 15 September 2022

A Corgi’s Love

A Corgi’s Love

I’m sat patiently waiting for your return.
I hear a noise, sit up and turn.
It’s not you - I lay back down.
I don’t understand why you aren’t around.

I miss our daily walk and chat.
I knew you were a mastered diplomat.
But when with me you were kind and gentle.
A lady who was truly non judgemental.

I’d noticed that your steps had slowed. 
Signs of your age had begun to show.
I didn’t care how quick we walked.
You still looked lovingly at me as you talked. 

Now I sit and begin to wonder.
What if we’ve been put asunder?
A world without you by my side. 
The thought leaves me terrified.

I’d lay my head upon your lap. 
Your arms around my body you’d wrap.
I’d look up at you through my big brown eyes.
I knew that you were old but oh so very wise. 

And now I don’t know where you are.
I fear this may be our au revoir. 
I sense you’ve gone on your next journey.
I don’t know why you left without me.

So now I sit here in the sunshine. 
Alone and lost- I begin to pine.
My lead is hanging up by the door.
Walkies with your majesty are no more.

The love between a dog and it’s owner 
Is the greatest I could ever have shown her.
Only I could keep safe her fears and thoughts.
That she’d disclosed on our long walks.

So it is that I’m now left all alone.
Our special relationship is unbeknown.
I was there for you day to day.
I’d always listen and obey.

So as you ascend onwards to heaven
I hope your people have learnt a lesson.
To live a life that’s true and honest.
As for us, we’ll meet again - I promise. 


Copyright © J C Hicks 15-9-22

#TheQueen #Corgi #RoyalDogs #UnconditionalLove

In memory of Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022

Tuesday 13 September 2022

Lilibet 1926-2022

Lilibet 1926-2022 

Like a carpet of bluebells you radiated beauty.

Inspirational speeches and a conduct so regal.

Loved by so many across the whole globe.

Incredible woman -  married to your royal duties. 

Brave and courageous even in your darkest hours. 

Elegant, graceful, wise and always serene.

‘‘Twas an honour for us to call you our Queen.

Copyright © J C Hicks  13-9-22


Monday 12 September 2022

Me time - never feel guilty about it!

Me time - never feel guilty about it! 

Is there anything more important than self care?
 Don’t ever underestimate the need to sit and share. 
Life’s journey can beat a dark, lonely path at times.
Darkness wrapping around your body sometimes.
Desperately seeking out any tiny chink of light.
Fighting waves of feeling lost and being out of sight. 
Cold, clammy invisible hands gripping round your throat.
Afraid to talk - feeling completely out of sorts.
Everybody needs to know that there is someone there.
Some organisation, friend or stranger who can show they care.

So if you are feeling completely lost or simply overwhelmed.
If you just simply want a warm embrace or to be held.
Take that moment to stop, listen, look and breathe.
Strip away the dark thoughts, as there is hope underneath.
So take some time for the important things.
I don’t mean clothes, makeup, shoes and fancy rings.
YOU - are the most important thing in your life.
Seek out help to deal with feelings and any strife.
Know that have such amazing self worth.
You are the most important thing on this earth.
So don’t ever feel guilty for having “me” time.
Life’s an interesting mountain we all must climb. 

J C Hicks Copyright 12-9-22

#NHS #Friends #Family #Strangers 

Saturday 10 September 2022

Monarch, leader, woman and mother - our Queen 1926-2022

Monarch, leader, woman and mother - our Queen 1926-2022

The day has come when your long reign is over.
There is a beautiful bridge for you to pass over. 
Where it goes nobody really knows.
Your faith assured you there are no dark shadows.

You were a woman standing strong for all.
Who will be in all our hearts forever more.
You were a true lady full of love and grace.
Unique and really impossible to replace.

You were a leader who many looked up to.
Always knowing the right thing to do.
Standing for honesty, peace and truth.
The nations mood you could always soothe.

The day has come for you to meet your maker. 
You know you’ve always been God’s caretaker.
Your faith was strong and you steered us well.
You were a devout Christian as we could tell.

The pain of grief that we now bear,
Is great but we take comfort in prayer.
Wonderful memories your people now share.
It’s easy to see just how much we all care.

The journey you make now is one of glory.
Your life unfolded into a beautiful story.
Now you will be with your precious Prince Philip.
Your soul mate to whom you lovingly looked up. 

He was by your side through thick and thin.
Once again you’re united, as a new era begins. 
You gave us all so many fond memories.
Moments that will be remembered for centuries.

A monarch who reigned for over 70 years.
Never once did you display your fears.
You guided us with your ever steady hand.
You truly loved our beautiful land.

Above all else you were a mother.
You instilled the need to love one another.
Your family will do you proud.
Charles has taken his solemn vows.

So now it’s time to say goodbye.
You are as free as a heavenly butterfly. 
So slip your hand into your beloved Philip’s.
He will keep you safe, so don’t you worry about us.

In memory of our Queen Elizabeth II 

Copyright © J C Hicks 10-9-22


Friday 9 September 2022

Our Queen ❤️ 1926-2022

Our Queen ❤️ 1926-2022

We can’t believe you are gone
But we know we must all carry on.
You served us with respect and love
A monarch who we were truly proud of.

A life devoted to your people 
You truly were a queen for all people.
You reigned with dignity and respect 
Your reign was, simply put - perfect.

You always had a twinkle in your eye 
Your passing leaves such hue and cry
A woman full of grace and beauty 
Married to your noble duty.

Prince Philip was always by your side 
A tower of strength he did provide.
He was your soul mate and your rock 
There for you around the clock.

You were never born to be our Queen
Your reign is one we are blessed to have seen.
You stood up for all that was true and right
Guiding your people with goodness and light.

You endured to be true and honest 
Serving your people as you promised.
A life devoted to your public duty 
Your smile was radiant, a thing of beauty.

Your passing has made my heart ache 
Shedding a tear when I heard the news break.
You’ve always been in our lives,
The longest reign recorded in the archives. 

We were blessed to call you our Queen 
The like of which nobody’s ever seen.
You bridged the gaps in our society 
 Displaying a true model for propriety.

Now you’ve fallen into your last sleep.
Many shedding tears and will weep.
We can’t imagine a life without you
 It’s time for us to pay our respects to you.

We will hold you in our hearts forever 
You were quite simply our national treasure.
So now we grieve with heavy hearts 
However now our new King’s reign starts.

So rest in peace ma’am - you will be missed.

God bless you. 
The Queen, Her Royal Highness, Elizabeth, Lilibet

God bless the King.

Copyright © J C Hicks 9-9-22