
Thursday 15 September 2022

A Corgi’s Love

A Corgi’s Love

I’m sat patiently waiting for your return.
I hear a noise, sit up and turn.
It’s not you - I lay back down.
I don’t understand why you aren’t around.

I miss our daily walk and chat.
I knew you were a mastered diplomat.
But when with me you were kind and gentle.
A lady who was truly non judgemental.

I’d noticed that your steps had slowed. 
Signs of your age had begun to show.
I didn’t care how quick we walked.
You still looked lovingly at me as you talked. 

Now I sit and begin to wonder.
What if we’ve been put asunder?
A world without you by my side. 
The thought leaves me terrified.

I’d lay my head upon your lap. 
Your arms around my body you’d wrap.
I’d look up at you through my big brown eyes.
I knew that you were old but oh so very wise. 

And now I don’t know where you are.
I fear this may be our au revoir. 
I sense you’ve gone on your next journey.
I don’t know why you left without me.

So now I sit here in the sunshine. 
Alone and lost- I begin to pine.
My lead is hanging up by the door.
Walkies with your majesty are no more.

The love between a dog and it’s owner 
Is the greatest I could ever have shown her.
Only I could keep safe her fears and thoughts.
That she’d disclosed on our long walks.

So it is that I’m now left all alone.
Our special relationship is unbeknown.
I was there for you day to day.
I’d always listen and obey.

So as you ascend onwards to heaven
I hope your people have learnt a lesson.
To live a life that’s true and honest.
As for us, we’ll meet again - I promise. 


Copyright © J C Hicks 15-9-22

#TheQueen #Corgi #RoyalDogs #UnconditionalLove

In memory of Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022

1 comment:

  1. I would say something about this, but there are too many tears in my eyes to see the keyboard. Beautiful words ❤️🐶
