
Tuesday 20 September 2022

On borrowed time …… eat it!

On borrowed time …… eat it!

A bar of chocolate in the drawer,
Is always sitting on borrowed time.
It’s like you can almost hear it roar,
Eat me - go on - it won’t be a crime.

You sit and ignore that nagging voice,
That seems to get louder as the night goes on.
You think of your diet - yes make the right choice.
You will have dropped a dress size before long.

I mean you’ve been on this diet for a whole 6 hours
So your body is already feeling wonderfully fit.
What if you ran up and down all the stairs?
That would counter balance the calories wouldn’t it? 

I mean everyone deserves a treat every now and then
You have eaten like a church mouse most of the day.
You could always just start the whole diet thing again?
I mean let’s be honest it’s a week until you weigh.

Oh yes that poor bar of chocolate is on borrowed time
It’s sat nice and cosy and probably feeling quite lonely.
Nestled in the drawer, which is not too far from the wine.
Why don’t they make the nice things calorie free - if only! 

I will just eat the chocolate and start over tomorrow.
I’m sure I’ve probably lost a pound or two today.
Ohhh maybe I should have some juicy, red tomatoes.
Blow it - I’ll get the forbidden fruit and munch away. 

Eat the chocolate 
Light the posh candles
Use the bath bombs
Drink the wine 
Enjoy yourself 
Everything in moderation - eh 😉

Copyright © J C Hicks

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