
Saturday 15 October 2022

The sands of time ……

The sands of time ……

We never know when our last breath will be.

We never know when we may be living our last day.

We never know when our beating heart will stop pulsing and no longer be our lifeline. 

So many people in our lives that we intend to catch up with.

“Yes we must have a coffee together soon.”

“Let’s do lunch, I will message you.”

“We must catch up.”

“Be great to see you again.”

“We will put a date in the diary”

And then, one day, out the blue they are gone.

And there’s no chance to catch up.

To laugh with them.

To reminisce with them.

Remember the good times.

The fun we had, the laughter.

Make new memories……


Life sort of gets in the way doesn’t it.

We all do it, it’s not because we don’t care about that person. There just never seems to be enough time, enough hours in a day, week, month - and then a year has gone by.  There is always tomorrow……… right? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Until there isn’t tomorrow 😥

Life is unpredictable and sometimes that is what makes it exciting - but the unpredictable can also bring heartbreak. 

I wonder if we all lived our lives as if our sands of time were about to run out if we would all really LIVE our lives …….

Because we never know when there may not be a tomorrow. 

I thought we always had time on our side to catch up again in the future - but it turns out we didn’t. 💔

Copyright © J C Hicks  15-10-22

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