
Thursday 20 October 2022

Ode to stalker Steve the baby seagull

Ode to stalker Steve the baby seagull 

 I’ve got a new friend - we’ve become quite close 
He just suddenly appears from out of the shadows.
I’ve nicknamed him Steve because he can’t talk
In fact, if I’m honest - all he can do is squawk.

You see Steve is a seagull but just a baby boy
He’s really docile and I think a little coy.
He’s sits and waits for me outside the shop.
He struts about and his head does a wee bob.

But despite all his looks of love and care
I’m feeling a great sense of despair
For while Steve looks quite cute and sweet
Deep down he’s a rascal preying on fresh meat.

Before too long Steve will be a master thief 
Your encounter with your pasty may be brief!
Once he’s all grown he will steal your food 
Sadly he will be one quite cunning dude.

So whilst I stop and give him a little smile
I know this friendship can only last a short while.
For before very long I will be chasing him away
So that your food on its plate will stay 😂😂😂

J C Hicks Copyright  20-10-22

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