
Thursday 27 October 2022

Spring - a lifetime away…..

Spring - a lifetime away…..

Beauty cascading all around
Bluebells flourishing deep 
in unknown woodland.
Nature evolving day by day.
The trees branches reaching upwards
Towards the sunlight, streaming and dancing
Through its branches as it pours downwards.
Branches laden with leafy glory.

The delicate pure white snowdrops 
are beginning to fade away
Each petal hiding an inner glory.
Fallen leaves now lay 
Like a mulch like brown carpet 
The goodness from the end if it’s life
Feeding the new soils deep below.

On the branches buds peep out
New leaves are unfurling 
Springing into life
A purpose to fulfil for the mighty tree 
It’s lifeline - it’s life blood
A refuge for so many.
Fresh bright sunshine shoots down
From sapphire like skies
Skies full of clouds floating like meringues
On an island of deep blue skies.

Spring - the start of new life
When those who’ve been tucked away
Venture out of their winter homes
Back into the ever changing world.
A world that houses beauty but sadness
Evil and good
Life and death.

Spring - as we look towards 
the hands of time springing back 
- back into the depths of winter.
Spring feels like a lifetime away.
A lifetime ……..

So much can happen in a lifetime.
So much to embrace through these darker days.
Autumn leaves laying crisp upon the ground
Displaying an array of stunning colours
Browns, oranges, rust, apricot, fire and spice. 

Perpetual cycles that Mother Nature serves up.
As sure as night follows day
Seasons march on.
Each season beholding it’s own unique beauty.
If you can’t see the beauty 
We are surrounded by it but are so often blind to it.

Life in all it’s glory should never be underestimated.
A thin thread separates life and death.
So whilst we live we must appreciate 
Mother Nature and all she offers.
There is no greater gift than life
Spend your time wisely
Stop and smell the roses once in a while. 
We are just a small part of a bigger picture. 

Copyright © J C Hicks

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