
Wednesday 19 October 2022

The Bright Red Door

The Bright Red Door 

There’s a house in a street that looks quite nice
To many it looks like a slice of paradise.
Your own home and your own front door
Who really wants much more?

You look at that house and it seems idyllic
An image of a perfect life it appears to mimic.
Behind the door of tranquil beauty 
Are parents trying to perform their duty.

To look after their family both old and young.
Why does it feel like the government is holding a gun.
Behind the door painted a glorious bold red
A family whose days are filled with dread.

They wake up and put on a false smile 
Underneath the masquerade they hide their lifestyle.
The family that’s wrapping their whole family in love
Sat in desperate despair as there’s nothing left to get rid of. 

They’ve sold what they can and they have nothing left 
So now - what’s left - they are left miserably bereft.
What’s the problem I hear you ask?
What is it that the red door masks? 

The house that looks like yours or mine 
Is a household struggling as a result of our time.
A time where people are struggling and lost
Due to how much just ordinary living now costs.

So this family struggle but get up each day
Determine to face whatever comes their way.
But now they are facing life changing choices 
Do they realise that theirs are not lone voices?

Thousands of people doing a long, hard days toil
Yet they can’t afford food, electricity or heating oil.
And what is it that we see the politicians doing
As our country is laying damaged and in ruins.

They lie and they squabble amongst themselves 
Pointing fingers and blaming someone else.
Meanwhile people are starving and can’t heat their homes.
It seems to some of us they have hearts made of stone.

So look at that house that seems idyllic and perfect 
For them the good days gone by seem hard to recollect.
A country in turmoil with no sense of direction 
PR gurus even given up with games of distraction.

So when you walk past somebody else’s home 
Remember what’s going on inside is unknown.
We need to be kind and look out for one another 
Someone struggling is somebody’s mother, father, sister or brother. 

The crisis we face may be too much for some to bear
So it’s so important that we all show that we care. 
Tonight someone’s life may hang in the balance.
Unable to see light or a solution to the imbalance.

When the years have gone by many will sit and reflect 
Who knows what will be the long term after effect.
So many are sat behind that bright red front door.
Not knowing what on earth lies in store. 

Copyright © J C Hicks

1 comment:

  1. Jo thats amazing, how you put it all together. Every word and line is so very true. I could picture it all in my head as I read. X Eaine
