
Thursday 27 October 2022

Life - the tapestry we weave

Life - the tapestry we weave 

As you go along your life 
A picture you will weave.
We only see the finished image 
when we are left - bereaved.

Every moment passing by 
Is a stitch into that picture. 
Every breath you take,
The image grows by just a flicker.

Every time you stop and smile
At someone in the street. 
A connection’s made, a stitch put in
For all those people that we meet. 

Lives entwined 
and yet time spent apart.
But that person 
becomes embedded in your heart.

As time passes along it’s road
We connect a little less.
But there’s still a piece of my heart 
locked away for you nevertheless

Suddenly it’s months not weeks 
That we’ve not really spoken. 
And now there’s a lifetime
That will remain unspoken.

You were never really 
Very far from my thoughts.
Even more so, as we now try 
And comprehend this pain and loss.

Your tapestry left unfinished
So many more stitches to go in.
Now your beautiful family 
continue the story herein.

A smile that lit up a room
A laugh that was infectious.
Taken from us just too soon
Memories now so precious.

Know that your were loved
By so many that you met.
Our friendship and our time together
Are things that I will never forget. 

In loving memory of a beautiful friend ❤️

Copyright © J C Hicks  27-10-22

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