
Monday 19 September 2022

The River of Life

The River of Life 

Life is like a river 
wending its way down the steep mountain.
It’s pace often fast and turbulent,
At times nothing more than a mere trickle.

But down the mountain that rivers flows,
It seeks out its path and somehow gets through.
It dances, it shimmers and gleams in the sun.
At times its so full as the rain bounces down.
Other times it’s energy depleted and not all gets through.

The path that it follows is one that’s well tread.
So many droplets make up that great flow.
A force of nature sometimes for the good.
At other times destructive and a life changing flow.

Along its journey that water helps others to grow.
The mosses and heathers dancing along its banks.
The fishes and animals who make this their home.
Like a beating heart pulsing your life blood to all.

At some point in time that river or stream ends.
Perhaps its final hurray over a wonderful waterfall.
Or that clear sparkling water may join the great seas.
No longer alone but in a mass of great glory.

So our lives are reflected in this mighty element.
Some days are hard - others full of joy and happiness.
At times it feels lonely but we try and get through.
The end of journey - who really knows?
But I hope there’s a glorious end,
Like entering a great deep ocean, I’m joined in glory,
with the masses and those that I have loved.

Copyright © J C Hicks

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