
Wednesday 31 January 2024

01-02-24 - new day new month!

 Thursday 1st February 2024

A new day is dawning
A new month is forming
What will it hold?
What will it bring?
No crystal ball to foresee the future 
So let’s just take it day by day 
And live in the moment! 

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

31-01-2024 - The Dragon Will Roar


There’s a dragon lying very low
He’s getting ready to go go go!
His heart beats through the whole of Wales 
He breathes out fire and has lots of scales
Not long to wait before we hear him roar
And we watch our Welsh rugby team soar 

Find me on Facebook- Pembrokeshire Poet

Six nations countdown….

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 30 January 2024

30-01-24 tick tock

 Tuesday 30th January 

Tick tick tick tock
Goes the old grandfather clock

Tick tock tick tock
A regular beating clock

Tick tock tick tock
A beating reassuring clock

Tick tock tick tock
But one day - that tick tock will stop…..

Live for today not for your tomorrows 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Monday 29 January 2024

29/01/2024 - What Is This Before My Eyes

 Monday 29th January 2024 

I think what I’m seeing is real?
It looks just like the real deal
That photo on my screen
It’s looks like what I’ve seen

It’s looks just like you 
The image looks so true
That voice sounds just like yours 
I’m feeling quite assured

Then you tell me the frightening truth
You’d have to be a super sleuth
You see what I saw before me eyes
Was just a pure web of lies 

Artificial intelligence is here to stay
You can’t believe all you see today
Taylor Swift a victim of a deep fake image 
A.I - the start of a trail of deception and damage? 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Sunday 28 January 2024

28/01/2024 - No Parade at Rodney Parade Today! 😞

 Sunday 28th January 2024

The big guns arrived at Rodney Parade
A game of football to be played 
Manchester United versus Newport County 
Who would sweep in and take the bounty?

County played with their hearts and souls
They managed to put away two great goals
But luck wasn’t on the Welsh side today 
Poor Newport County were just out played

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Find me on Facebook as Pembrokeshire Poet 

Saturday 27 January 2024

27-01-2024 - Blinded By The Traitor

 Saturday 27/01/2024

The lies were told
The dreams were sold
Friendships were made
They all wanted to stay

One by one their fate was sealed
Some traitors along the way were revealed
And so it was the final three 
The faithfuls - the traitor they could not see!

Pembrokeshire Poet on Facebook 
Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Friday 26 January 2024

26/01/2024 - Angel Wings Gained Too Soon

Friday 26/01/2024

How many more times will we have to see this?
A life lived without any love, hugs or a kiss
A life filled with terror, pain and suffering 
Injuries so bad there is no hope of recovering 
How many more times will our hearts be broken?
As we hear of horrors which should never be spoken 
A child’s life should be full of joy, laughter and fun
Not cut short by others before it’s even begun
So let’s all take a moment and pray for their short lives
Could society have done more to ensure they survived?

😞 - for all those abused children who sadly gained their angel wings too soon - my heart breaks for you ❤️

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 25 January 2024

25/01/2024 - smile!

Thursday 25/01/2024

Don’t forget to brush your teeth!
You turn, fold your arms and stomp your feet
Look it’s ok I say with a smile
Just brush the ones you want to keep! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Wednesday 24 January 2024

24-01-2024 - You Don’t Need That - Do You?

Wednesday 24th January 2024 

The litter bins will be overflowing 
Like a fountain the rubbish will be flowing 
Tourists roam our towns, wondering what to do
There is no information centre - so they ask you

Libraries, row upon row of beautiful books
But you will no longer be able to browse or look
Growing old is no fun, this we all know 
But there is nowhere for our loved ones to go

Out for a walk at the beach, town or country?
Then it’s likely you will have to pee behind a tree! 
You can’t see a dentist  -you can’t see a doctor
Hospital waiting lists - another shocker

You don’t need your post on a daily basis 
Be thankful for the services they gave us
Gave us and now we see them all sliding away
“Gave us” - they were services for which we had to pay 

So here we are in the year 2024
Receiving a lot less paying a lot more
Councils are going bust and public services broken 
The governments gestures and actions just a small token 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 23 January 2024

23-01-2024 - Why Hello Jocelyn

Tuesday 23rd January 2024

I’m feeling like Mary Poppins today
What an image that portrays 
I feel if I stepped out the door 
My feet really wouldn’t have touched the floor!
With storm Jocelyn swooping in today 
I would have been up up and away
Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?
No it’s just Joe floating by again 😂

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Monday 22 January 2024

22/01/2024 - Positve Vibes

Monday 22nd January 2024

Sprinkle it here
Sprinkle it there
Sprinkle it sparsely
Sprinkle it carefree 
Sprinkle it thickly
Sprinkle it sincerely 

Positive energy 
So good to share
Shows others that you care

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Sunday 21 January 2024

21-01-2024 - Storm Isha

 Sunday 21st January 

Another day - another night
And as we say goodbye to daylight
Nature is preparing another show 
It’s called Storm Isha don’t you know

Raging winds and lashing rain 
Pounding against the window pane
Winter really is quite erratic
Almost a bit too dramatic 

So wrap up warm and stay inside 
This storm will eventually subside
We can’t control nature in all it’s glory
But global warming - well that’s a different story! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Saturday 20 January 2024

20/01/2024 - Slip Sliding Away

 Saturday 20th January 2024

I feel the wind beneath my wings
When I’m up here my soul sings
I sweep and swoop through the jet streams
This is where I live my best dreams

I cast a glance down below 
So much I just don’t know 
I gaze upon the big wide space 
The wind blowing in my face

I look down upon the frozen pond
A feeding place of which I’m fond
But alas I cannot land on this sheet of ice
My feet would slide just like a dice

But wait what’s this - I see below
It’s my old mate, her name is Jo
She’s throwing seed upon the ground 
Right in to land without sliding around! 

I land and stop just in time 
I flew over at the right time!
I take a moment and stop and stare 
It’s great when humans really care 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Friday 19 January 2024

19/01/2024 - Fly Me To The Moon

Friday 19th January 2024 - Fly Me To The Moon 

Big and beautiful shining so bright 
We look up and see you during the night
Full of wonder, secrets and mystery 
You’ve seen so much worldwide history

Today a moon landing so we can find out more 
The Japanese leading a charge to explore
Such a beautiful sight for us to behold 
What will it tell us - what stories do you hold?

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 18 January 2024

18-01-24 - No Snow Fell Here


The white stuff began to fall from the sky
Glorious sparkly diamonds drifting from up high
They danced around all the way down
Falling and creating a glorious white crown

Like lightweight bubbles they seem to float
As the layers build nature begins to gloat
Look at my crisp jewels lying on the ground
Now as you walk your footsteps make no sound

But wait was is this - a corner left uncovered
Like snow is a substance yet to be discovered
The waves continue to crash upon the shore
No snow fell here - the sand as it was before

Is it missing the beauty of this layer of white?
No - the sun dances on the sea glistening so bright.
Sometimes nature is perfect
Just as it is.........

Joanne C Hicks copyright 

Wednesday 17 January 2024


 Wednesday 17/01/24

What if the best was yet to come?
It could depend on your rule of thumb?
When you feel low and general down
Don’t sit there wallowing with a frown 
Your best day could be yet to come
So to the blues do not succumb!

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 16 January 2024

16/01/2024 -Sorry a little word

 16/01/2024 - Sorry such a little word 

What a day it’s been 
When Fujitsu took the public stand 
Postmasters hoping they don’t give them the run around
Hollow words of sorry uttered in the room
But closure for this case cannot come too soon 
It’s been a National scandal 
Of which nobody got a handle 

We also sit and watch as yet more Tories disappear 
I wonder if there will be any left by the end of the year
Maybe they are playing some strange game of Traitors
Banishing who they want, at times acting like dictators 
It would be really funny if our lives weren’t in their hands 
I really think the peoples plight they just don’t understand 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 


 Tuesday 16th January 

Don’t be afraid to stay in the shadows
We don’t all have to be in the light, don’t you know.
It’s ok to hang back and watch from the sidelines 
There are no rigid and strict life guidelines 
We make our own rules about how we live our lives 
Besides you don’t have to be in the light to shine

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Monday 15 January 2024


 Monday 15th January

The ripples are extending
Who knows where it’s all ending
As the troubles in the Yemen carry on 
Sometimes it’s like the little people are just pawns
We rely so much on others to provide all we need
Now nothings getting through with any great speed
We need to reconsider how we live our lives
Make Britain great again then maybe we could thrive 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Sunday 14 January 2024

14/01/24 - No room at the inn


There used to be no room at the inn
Do you mind if I just squeeze in?
The pews were full of our families and friends
Waiting to hear the messages God sends 

Slowly year upon year the numbers have dwindled 
Fortunately God’s love hasn’t rescinded
The churches and chapels always have room 
A place of sanctuary away from any daily gloom

So now we sit amongst empty pews 
So few of us left to hear the good news
Seats where so many sat before 
Nobody sat there anymore 

But fear not, all is not lost 
We have other bridges to cross 
A church with no walls is a way forward 
We don’t need solid walls to worship the Lord 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Saturday 13 January 2024


I’m loyal and true 
I’m nobody’s fool
I’m 100% faithful through and through

Deceitful and lying
It feels so cool
Don’t trust me - I’m not what you think
I walk as a traitor but will they make the link?

Banishments lurk around every corner 
For those “murdered” there are no mourners
Team faithful - a team with anonymous members
Traitors hoping it’s a faithful they resemble 

A game of strategy and layers of lies
Traitors walking among them like spies
Avoid banishment at all cost
Then you could walk off with all the dosh 😂

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 13/1/24


 Saturday 13th January 2024

Today we see another day of global trouble
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a peace bubble?

We could just pick it up and blow it
And solve all the worlds disputes

Now it’s air strikes and bombardment in the Yemen 
Will it solve the problem? That is the question?

If only all of mankind could live side by side 
And we weren’t left mourning all those who’ve died 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Friday 12 January 2024


 Friday 12th January 

Apparently today is National quitters day
New Year’s resolution in tatters will lay
All those good intentions have gone out the window 
You are starting to feel despondent and a little bit low
You’ve given up the good stuff, chocolate, crisps and wine
It’s now that your body is sulking and beginning to pine

Don’t beat yourself up or bang your head against the wall 
Sometimes we just pre-programme ourselves for a fall
We set huge goals that are way too ambitious 
Then everything suddenly looks irresistibly delicious 
So always think in baby steps, one day at a time
If you set mini goals you will achieve them just fine 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Thursday 11 January 2024


 Thursday 11th January 

Do you know where your clothes come from
Who was it that sat and made them?
Do we ever look where items were made?
In the mind blowing world of overseas trade.

Today Boohoo have to admit their mistake 
Was it really a simple error to make? 
Sewing in labels “made in Britain”
A lie so blatantly written

They blame human error - a misunderstanding 
Confusion over rules regarding the branding 
So can we believe anything we are told?
As the trader marks the goods as sold! 

Joanne C Hicks 11/01/24 copyright ©️ 

Wednesday 10 January 2024


 Wednesday 10 January 2024

Call me a cynic 
Call me a fool
But isn’t funny
After years of 
Conservative rule
That with an election 
Shortly looming
They’re spouting of tax cuts
And suddenly 
Sorting justice for postmasters
A winter election
Would suit them just fine
Dark mornings and nights
Weather wet, windy or snow 
Call me a cynic
Call me a fool

But I smell a rat…….😂🤷🏻‍♀️

Tuesday 9 January 2024


 Tuesday 9th January 

Today is the day so many of us wanted
We signed the petition and Ms Vennells responded 
She finally bowed down to public pressure
Returning her CBE - probably to her displeasure!

Over a million people called for some justice 
The Post Office a brand supposed to say “trust us”
I’m pleased she’s finally done the honourable thing 
This wonderful news has made my sad heart sing

Perhaps now, Mr Bates the hero of the hour 
Will accept his honour from those in power
He’s fought the good fight for them year upon year 
And now, just maybe, full justice is near. 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Monday 8 January 2024


 Monday 8th January

The stone that was rolling
Now goes at full pelt
The government must stop crawling
And sort out real help

The public outcry 
Has been overwhelming 
Justice for postmasters
The people are yelling

It’s all over the news
There is no denying 
Prosecutions continued 
Despite all the lying

Let’s hope those in power
Now do the right thing
The Post Office have surely 
Run out of mud to sling! 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

Sunday 7 January 2024


 Sunday 7th January 2024

Natures delivered a blanket of glitter
It’s covering the plants, even the litter!
Thousands of diamonds sprayed on the leaves
Blades of grass sporting a glittery sleeve
It’s cold and bright with the sun dancing through
A glorious sight although my fingers are blue! 
Yes natures delivered a blanket of glitter
Now it’s a slippery journey to getting fitter. 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 7-1-24


 Saturday 6th January 2024

A frightening flight for 177 passengers 
Suddenly seat belts life saving fasteners 
Whilst up in the sky a gaping hole appeared
So horrendously scary for those sat near
Thankfully the pilot brought them down safely 
Acting calmly and the staff showed true bravery
So let’s give thanks that nobody was hurt 
A huge disaster they all managed to avert 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 6-1-24

05-01-2024 - Well done Mr Bates

 Friday 5th January 2024

We sat in horror and watched the Horizon scandal unfold
It really was a true story needing to be fully told
Hundreds of sub postmasters lives lying in ruins 
Due to a corporate scandal and wrong doings 

A system that was faulty but that was denied 
Instead corruption and fraud continuously implied
Years of heartbreak and hardship have followed 
Once full happy lives lie eroded and hollowed 

Fingers were pointed and judgements were made
The postmasters are guilty the people would say 
But gradually Alan Bates uncovered the truth 
He turned into a relentless, driven super sleuth

Yet here we are over 20 years later 
Still pouring over the inaccurate data 
So many lives ripped apart by this atrocious scandal 
Corporate suits decided it was a truth too hot to handle 

We can’t undo the past and change what has happened 
So give people back their money and lives once imagined 
Lets also take a moment to stop and pray
For those we sadly lost along the way 

Joanne C Hicks  copyright ©️ 5-1-24

Thursday 4 January 2024


 Thursday 4th January 2024

The rain is still falling across our green lands
Streams, lakes and rivers continue to expand 
The land is so sodden it’s a marshmallow quality 
The poor weather forecasters offer up an apology

But it’s not their fault the lands are all sodden 
And the population generally downtrodden 
But has man had some sort of part to play?
In days that are now windy, wet and grey?

Maybe it’s time we all sat and took note
Either that or perhaps start saving for a boat!
Our seasons are changing year upon year 
So ask yourselves - is climate change a thing to fear? 

Joanne C Hicks 4/1/24 copyright ©️ 

Wednesday 3 January 2024


Wednesday 3rd January 2024 

You wipe the sweat from your tense brow
You’ve still got remnants of sleep in your eye
Exhausted you resolve to carry on
Despite the hours that have already gone

Nobody really knows how hard you work
People to ready to call you a jerk
When things go wrong it’s to you they turn
Sometimes you don’t know why you return 

But return you do, day after day
But no more - you’re making a stand today 
You’re demanding a fair wage for all you do
Six days of strikes - colleagues fighting for you 

You’re worth more than what the government say
So stand firm and demand fair and equal pay 
Junior doctors are the blood of our NHS
And here in Britain we want to keep the best. 

Joanne C Hicks 03-01-2024 copyright ©️ 

Tuesday 2 January 2024

02-01-2024 - Henk is here!


Storm Henk has swept in
Rains pouring down 
Lashing on faces

The wind is swirling
Round and round
Whistling and whooshing
Making a deafening sound 

Ground sodden with lagoons of water
It’s nowhere to go
I suppose we are perhaps grateful 
It’s not falling as snow 

2024 has unleashed 
its first wild beast 
Pounding down upon us
Why can’t this rain cease?

Water pours off the sodden land
Like a relentless rollercoaster 
No sign of it stopping 
Fast and furious like a stolen motor

Spring feels like 
A lifetime away
When maybe, just maybe 
Days won’t be so grey! 

Joanne C Hicks 2-1-24 copyright ©️ 


Monday 1 January 2024


A warning is issued to those in Japan
Earthquakes are shaking all of the land
People flee terrified to higher ground
As tsunamis loom and threaten to drown
A country in turmoil as we celebrate a new year
2024 starting with heartache and fear

Joanne C Hicks 1/1/2024 copyright ©️ 

Don’t Make Do

The girl sat and pondered 
A whole new year 
She wondered what it was
That she held dear
She thought for a moment 
What did she hold true?
She decided that in future
She wouldn’t just make do 

Joanne C Hicks 1/1/2024 copyright ©️