
Wednesday 3 January 2024


Wednesday 3rd January 2024 

You wipe the sweat from your tense brow
You’ve still got remnants of sleep in your eye
Exhausted you resolve to carry on
Despite the hours that have already gone

Nobody really knows how hard you work
People to ready to call you a jerk
When things go wrong it’s to you they turn
Sometimes you don’t know why you return 

But return you do, day after day
But no more - you’re making a stand today 
You’re demanding a fair wage for all you do
Six days of strikes - colleagues fighting for you 

You’re worth more than what the government say
So stand firm and demand fair and equal pay 
Junior doctors are the blood of our NHS
And here in Britain we want to keep the best. 

Joanne C Hicks 03-01-2024 copyright ©️ 

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