
Thursday 18 January 2024

18-01-24 - No Snow Fell Here


The white stuff began to fall from the sky
Glorious sparkly diamonds drifting from up high
They danced around all the way down
Falling and creating a glorious white crown

Like lightweight bubbles they seem to float
As the layers build nature begins to gloat
Look at my crisp jewels lying on the ground
Now as you walk your footsteps make no sound

But wait was is this - a corner left uncovered
Like snow is a substance yet to be discovered
The waves continue to crash upon the shore
No snow fell here - the sand as it was before

Is it missing the beauty of this layer of white?
No - the sun dances on the sea glistening so bright.
Sometimes nature is perfect
Just as it is.........

Joanne C Hicks copyright 

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