
Friday 12 January 2024


 Friday 12th January 

Apparently today is National quitters day
New Year’s resolution in tatters will lay
All those good intentions have gone out the window 
You are starting to feel despondent and a little bit low
You’ve given up the good stuff, chocolate, crisps and wine
It’s now that your body is sulking and beginning to pine

Don’t beat yourself up or bang your head against the wall 
Sometimes we just pre-programme ourselves for a fall
We set huge goals that are way too ambitious 
Then everything suddenly looks irresistibly delicious 
So always think in baby steps, one day at a time
If you set mini goals you will achieve them just fine 

Joanne C Hicks copyright ©️ 

1 comment:

  1. I've just had a chocolate cover nut…… weigh in Monday is going to be good!
