
Thursday 27 October 2022

Spring - a lifetime away…..

Spring - a lifetime away…..

Beauty cascading all around
Bluebells flourishing deep 
in unknown woodland.
Nature evolving day by day.
The trees branches reaching upwards
Towards the sunlight, streaming and dancing
Through its branches as it pours downwards.
Branches laden with leafy glory.

The delicate pure white snowdrops 
are beginning to fade away
Each petal hiding an inner glory.
Fallen leaves now lay 
Like a mulch like brown carpet 
The goodness from the end if it’s life
Feeding the new soils deep below.

On the branches buds peep out
New leaves are unfurling 
Springing into life
A purpose to fulfil for the mighty tree 
It’s lifeline - it’s life blood
A refuge for so many.
Fresh bright sunshine shoots down
From sapphire like skies
Skies full of clouds floating like meringues
On an island of deep blue skies.

Spring - the start of new life
When those who’ve been tucked away
Venture out of their winter homes
Back into the ever changing world.
A world that houses beauty but sadness
Evil and good
Life and death.

Spring - as we look towards 
the hands of time springing back 
- back into the depths of winter.
Spring feels like a lifetime away.
A lifetime ……..

So much can happen in a lifetime.
So much to embrace through these darker days.
Autumn leaves laying crisp upon the ground
Displaying an array of stunning colours
Browns, oranges, rust, apricot, fire and spice. 

Perpetual cycles that Mother Nature serves up.
As sure as night follows day
Seasons march on.
Each season beholding it’s own unique beauty.
If you can’t see the beauty 
We are surrounded by it but are so often blind to it.

Life in all it’s glory should never be underestimated.
A thin thread separates life and death.
So whilst we live we must appreciate 
Mother Nature and all she offers.
There is no greater gift than life
Spend your time wisely
Stop and smell the roses once in a while. 
We are just a small part of a bigger picture. 

Copyright © J C Hicks

Life - the tapestry we weave

Life - the tapestry we weave 

As you go along your life 
A picture you will weave.
We only see the finished image 
when we are left - bereaved.

Every moment passing by 
Is a stitch into that picture. 
Every breath you take,
The image grows by just a flicker.

Every time you stop and smile
At someone in the street. 
A connection’s made, a stitch put in
For all those people that we meet. 

Lives entwined 
and yet time spent apart.
But that person 
becomes embedded in your heart.

As time passes along it’s road
We connect a little less.
But there’s still a piece of my heart 
locked away for you nevertheless

Suddenly it’s months not weeks 
That we’ve not really spoken. 
And now there’s a lifetime
That will remain unspoken.

You were never really 
Very far from my thoughts.
Even more so, as we now try 
And comprehend this pain and loss.

Your tapestry left unfinished
So many more stitches to go in.
Now your beautiful family 
continue the story herein.

A smile that lit up a room
A laugh that was infectious.
Taken from us just too soon
Memories now so precious.

Know that your were loved
By so many that you met.
Our friendship and our time together
Are things that I will never forget. 

In loving memory of a beautiful friend ❤️

Copyright © J C Hicks  27-10-22

Friday 21 October 2022

It’s Friday! It’s Friday!

It’s Friday! It’s Friday! 

It’s Friday! It’s Friday!
Let’s do a little dance!
It’s Friday! It’s Friday!
Let’s all stand up and prance!

It’s Friday! It’s Friday!
The Merlot is waiting.
It’s Friday! It’s Friday!
Time for hibernating.

It’s Friday! It’s Friday!
Cwtch under a blanket.
It’s Friday! It’s Friday!
Lay out a chocolate banquet! 

It’s Friday! It’s Friday!
Light the scented candles.
It’s Friday! It’s Friday!
Forget the economic shambles.

It’s Friday! It’s Friday!
Switch off that alarm.
It’s Friday! It’s Friday!
Weekend work your charm.

Happy weekend folks! 

J C Hicks copyright 

Thursday 20 October 2022

Ode to stalker Steve the baby seagull

Ode to stalker Steve the baby seagull 

 I’ve got a new friend - we’ve become quite close 
He just suddenly appears from out of the shadows.
I’ve nicknamed him Steve because he can’t talk
In fact, if I’m honest - all he can do is squawk.

You see Steve is a seagull but just a baby boy
He’s really docile and I think a little coy.
He’s sits and waits for me outside the shop.
He struts about and his head does a wee bob.

But despite all his looks of love and care
I’m feeling a great sense of despair
For while Steve looks quite cute and sweet
Deep down he’s a rascal preying on fresh meat.

Before too long Steve will be a master thief 
Your encounter with your pasty may be brief!
Once he’s all grown he will steal your food 
Sadly he will be one quite cunning dude.

So whilst I stop and give him a little smile
I know this friendship can only last a short while.
For before very long I will be chasing him away
So that your food on its plate will stay 😂😂😂

J C Hicks Copyright  20-10-22

Wednesday 19 October 2022

The Bright Red Door

The Bright Red Door 

There’s a house in a street that looks quite nice
To many it looks like a slice of paradise.
Your own home and your own front door
Who really wants much more?

You look at that house and it seems idyllic
An image of a perfect life it appears to mimic.
Behind the door of tranquil beauty 
Are parents trying to perform their duty.

To look after their family both old and young.
Why does it feel like the government is holding a gun.
Behind the door painted a glorious bold red
A family whose days are filled with dread.

They wake up and put on a false smile 
Underneath the masquerade they hide their lifestyle.
The family that’s wrapping their whole family in love
Sat in desperate despair as there’s nothing left to get rid of. 

They’ve sold what they can and they have nothing left 
So now - what’s left - they are left miserably bereft.
What’s the problem I hear you ask?
What is it that the red door masks? 

The house that looks like yours or mine 
Is a household struggling as a result of our time.
A time where people are struggling and lost
Due to how much just ordinary living now costs.

So this family struggle but get up each day
Determine to face whatever comes their way.
But now they are facing life changing choices 
Do they realise that theirs are not lone voices?

Thousands of people doing a long, hard days toil
Yet they can’t afford food, electricity or heating oil.
And what is it that we see the politicians doing
As our country is laying damaged and in ruins.

They lie and they squabble amongst themselves 
Pointing fingers and blaming someone else.
Meanwhile people are starving and can’t heat their homes.
It seems to some of us they have hearts made of stone.

So look at that house that seems idyllic and perfect 
For them the good days gone by seem hard to recollect.
A country in turmoil with no sense of direction 
PR gurus even given up with games of distraction.

So when you walk past somebody else’s home 
Remember what’s going on inside is unknown.
We need to be kind and look out for one another 
Someone struggling is somebody’s mother, father, sister or brother. 

The crisis we face may be too much for some to bear
So it’s so important that we all show that we care. 
Tonight someone’s life may hang in the balance.
Unable to see light or a solution to the imbalance.

When the years have gone by many will sit and reflect 
Who knows what will be the long term after effect.
So many are sat behind that bright red front door.
Not knowing what on earth lies in store. 

Copyright © J C Hicks

Saturday 15 October 2022

The sands of time ……

The sands of time ……

We never know when our last breath will be.

We never know when we may be living our last day.

We never know when our beating heart will stop pulsing and no longer be our lifeline. 

So many people in our lives that we intend to catch up with.

“Yes we must have a coffee together soon.”

“Let’s do lunch, I will message you.”

“We must catch up.”

“Be great to see you again.”

“We will put a date in the diary”

And then, one day, out the blue they are gone.

And there’s no chance to catch up.

To laugh with them.

To reminisce with them.

Remember the good times.

The fun we had, the laughter.

Make new memories……


Life sort of gets in the way doesn’t it.

We all do it, it’s not because we don’t care about that person. There just never seems to be enough time, enough hours in a day, week, month - and then a year has gone by.  There is always tomorrow……… right? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Until there isn’t tomorrow 😥

Life is unpredictable and sometimes that is what makes it exciting - but the unpredictable can also bring heartbreak. 

I wonder if we all lived our lives as if our sands of time were about to run out if we would all really LIVE our lives …….

Because we never know when there may not be a tomorrow. 

I thought we always had time on our side to catch up again in the future - but it turns out we didn’t. 💔

Copyright © J C Hicks  15-10-22