
Thursday 21 March 2019

Brexit shaken not stirred

We decided to leave the EU - there was a vote and it was go
Brexit was on the cards - Cameron turned tail becoming the foe.
So we were out - run for the hills
No wait first stock pile all the pills!

Years of negotiations with European nations
Wish I had gone into hibernation 😟.
Not before I’d stock piled some goods
Surely the media’s not full of falsehoods?

Boris Johnson so full of promise
He and Nigel were oh so honest πŸ™ˆ.
Now Nigel’s walking north to south
With new nonsense coming from his mouth 😜

To hedge my bets I’m boxing clever
Over- react - me - what - never.
I’m taking quite a serious stand
Stocked full of gin - it’s really grand πŸΈπŸ˜‚

Now two years on the people are worn down
Mention Brexit and smiles turn to frowns 😣.
Surely we must be nearly there
The mood is now full of despair 😩

I think I may just have the answer
We will send in an army of belly dancers
The politicians would be distracted
And May could be quietly extracted.

But nobody really wants Mays mission
Not even someone full of ambition.
She’s really got the poisoned curse
And there’s no going in reverse!

Let’s turn off the lights and hunker down
Is the Country being run by clowns 🀑🀣
Teresa May is pushing forward
Her manner generally quite awkward πŸ™ˆ

So here we are so much time has gone
And nobody has sounded the exit gong.
We best all just try and stick together
Remember the gin is dry whatever the weather πŸ‘πŸ»

#notdoingpolitics #justforfun #onlyjoking! #smile #laugh #wave
#BrexitmeansBrexit πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š

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