
Wednesday 20 March 2019

Petrol Station Straws

New game - new game - who wants to play.....

So billy bonus travelling home today - got to the bridge - no tolls due to staff sickness - result. Happy bunny - yes it’s the small things - get well soon toll operators.  So on I go to get petrol.

Fill up my little beauty and go in to pay. Stand in the queue (because I’m British clearly 😂) and the till operator gentleman says to the lady at the front “pump number?” - pump number 2 she replies. Oh oh I start bouncing “that’s me”. “What pump number?” He repeats. “Number 2” she says “I’m 2 I am 2” .  The man continues “that’s £35.75”, “oh no” she says.  I’m still bouncing behind her “hello hello I’m number 2 that’s me, that’s me - hellloooo”.  The penny drops - man cancels transaction turns to the lady “that’s £10.05” . Ever wish you had kept your mouth shut 🤐 . Lady “oh I’ve only got £10 I will have to look in the car for 5p”. Man “don’t worry love drop it in again”.

So I had a barter with the lady in front of me - would you like to swap pump numbers - we could run the gauntlet - petrol pump Russian roulette. She was not up for that. “Pump number?”. Lady “Number 1”  man “£28” - man I would have been onto a winner there too 🤣.

Get to till - pay my dues - give man 5p “here you go put that in for the lady who was in front of me” - see I’m all heart. 😂😂😂😂

Next stop - Chinese - well I mean I’d save a bridge toll surely that means I deserved a treat?  Nobody wanted to swap bills in there either mind 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️.

#keepsmiling #smallthingss #makeuslaugh #makepeoplesmike

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