
Monday 11 March 2019

Ode to Benji Boo

Sometimes I think I’m the only one who loves you Benji Boo
You are definitely my Tigger to my portly Winnie the Pooh.
You are so full of energy bouncing all around
It’s true, your paws are barely on the ground.

There some moments when you are also like Houdini
Popping through the conifer hedge - almost routinely.
One look back then off you trot a million miles an hour
Following that cat scent because to you it smells of flowers.

I swear I see you smirking as I’m bringing up the rear
You take another look at me and move it up a gear.
Eventually the game is over and home again we go
It’s getting very tiresome I will have you know!

Sometimes it is known for even Tiggers to take a  rest
And when you snuggle up to me it really is the best.
I love the way you look at me with your gorgeous deep brown eyes
Then you’ll leap up pulling at my hair taking me quite by surprise.

You must think you are popular as we all call out your name.
But really it’s because we don’t enjoy your little game.
You love to steal our tissues and eat them if you can
We’ve had to introduce a complete wastepaper bin ban.

But we wouldn’t be without you, truly we would not
Well maybe Georgie boy doesn’t like you a lot.
He thinks you smell quite badly and he hates your Tigger ways.
But I think you really melt his heart with your supersonic gaze.

So if you see me and my boy out running round the place,
I give you word of warning this tigger needs his space.
See that monkey Benji Boo will want to come and play
So he starts to jump and bark and you may think you are his prey!

He really doesn’t mean it he’s quite a socialable dog
He just can’t stand the lead and the fact he has to jog!
So yes I love my tigger with all his faults and flaws
From his floppy ears, waggy tail - I even smell his paws 🐾.

Benjo Boo 💜

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