
Monday 18 March 2019

Dragon slays all its prey a grand slam came our way

It started back in February and we needed some convincing
Could the welsh team seek out glory and leave the others sinking?
First it was the fresh faced French who stood in our way
Initially we didn’t think it was going to be our day.

We went into the half way point losing 16 nil
The thought of losing to the French filled us with a chill.
We came into the second half our bellies full of fire
You’ve got to give it to George North he ain’t half a trier.

So the victory was ours we really were delighted
However to go all the way - some of us were doubters.
Next up were the Italians
sometimes known as the pesky stallions
Surely we could win this game
With very little pain?

The win was not convincing but a record had been set
The longest winning run for our boys had been met.
The biggest worry for the squad was who they next would meet
The English were rolling in and our hearts were missing a beat.

Only the hard core true believers thought we’d win this match
To beat the English would really be a catch.
A nation sat with bated breath while the dragon roared into the game
A game where the welsh really needed to breathe pure flames.

The English were defeated and the nation went wild
Murmurs of a grand slam were rippling through the crowd.
Our next opponents were the Scots who weren’t going to make it easy
I won’t lie but during that match at times I felt quite queasy!

But here we were the win was ours the Scots had been defeated
That fire in the dragon’s belly was huge - the temperature quite heated.
Thirteen wins in a row - Gatlands magic working well
 These boys knew another win would certainly be swell.

The final game was on our patch - the Irish stood in our way
The rain was lashing from the sky - the roof was open way up high
Perhaps those Celts thought that the dragon could be dampened
And our grand slam dream would be  trampled.

The welsh came out to a roaring crowd
These boys had served their nation proud.
Within a minute Parkes crossed the line
A try so early how devine.

The game continued in this vain
Nil for Ireland how insane.
The Welsh could smell that Grand Slam victory
Anscombe boot was kicking history.

The Irish fought their battle hard
But dreams of winning truly marred.
Our captain Alun Wyn Jones served us well
Every opponent the welsh had fell

Garlands boys had done the deed
The grand slam was truly theirs indeed
The English game was last to play
They’d beat the Scottish the fans say

The Scottish team were having a thrashing
31 nil - the Scots were crashing
Never had the nation seen
such a comeback from a team

The Scots came thundering back to life
Causing the English trouble and strife
The victory was nearly theirs
The English nearly left in tears

And so it came to pass this very day
Gatland’s coaching on display
The dragon roared the opponents toppled
Well done boys you never bottled ❤️

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