
Wednesday 19 February 2020

Diets - the struggle is real 😂🧁🙈❤️

I’ve gone all day without a treat
Not even a single sneaky sweet.
Well ok there was an incident in the kitchen
Which involved the pesky bread bin.
But I’ve tried so hard to be strong
Why are treat-less days so long?

I fear that Shrove Tuesday is looming
So many pancakes I will be consuming 🙈.
I best sign up for a treat-less Lent
40 days of discontent ðŸĪĶðŸŧ‍♀️
Chocolate bars luring me in
Knowing they are my deadly sin.🙅ðŸŧ‍♀️

Why oh why is food so nice
It’s my poor thighs which pay the price.
Everywhere seems to be
Naughty things for you - for me. 🧁
I’ve gone all morning and not eaten
I think this diet has me beaten.

I slowly climb upon the bathroom scales
Which seem to shout out “ahoy beached whale” ðŸģ.
I look down in despair
Another pound on they declare!
That can’t be right, it can’t be true
Now I’m feeling truly blue!

I mean I’ve been so very healthy
I should also be feeling mighty wealthy
I mean the struggle I’ve endeavoured
By stomach thinks my throats been severed 🙈.
How long - how long has it been
Feels like ages I’ve been eating clean.

I check the calendar with such hope
Oh flip I feel like such a dope.
I count the days that can’t be right
I felt time was going like the speed of light
Has it really only been a week ðŸĪĶðŸŧ‍♀️
No wonder I’ve got the same physique.


Diets - the struggle is real ðŸĪŠ - but that said beauty comes from within. So don’t let the mirror, scales or people rule your life - just be you ❤️. Happy, healthy and wise!

1 comment:

  1. Funny, clever and true!!!!! Thank you for making me smile!
