
Tuesday 25 February 2020

Who alarmed the cake .......🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😜🍰

Well I thought today that the school had installed the best diet cheat detector ever.

Picture the scene - it’s a colleagues birthday - I’ve bought some cakes she says - oh lovely says I. Anyway the day unfolds and I find myself nowhere in the cake location - I have clean forgotten about the lovely cakes by lunchtime to be honest.

I’m leaving work, not many of us left - it’s late and I’m very hungry - I go via the front of the building - ohhhhh I think as I approach the reception area - I wonder if there are any cakes left?  I decide to just go have a peek and see. Sure enough there they are - sitting like a beautiful crown on the desk. Ohhhh they look scrumptious. Oh what the heck I think, I know my tea will be ready when I get home but I’m going to have one of those beauties. I mean I expect I will walk most of the calories off by the time I get to the car 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️.

 I select my prize, thanking my wonderful colleague in my head. I lift this gourmet delight to my lips and there was an almighty woooooo wooooo woooooo woooooo. A look of horror goes over my face - who alarmed the cakes!??!!! It takes a second for me to realise that the fire alarm is going off 🙈, so now I’m left ramming the cake in before the site team burst in to sort out the alarms. (Notice how I finish my cake before worrying about my safety first 🤣).  Honestly the guilt eating that cake it felt like some naughty sin - well it was I guess - like someone was watching and as soon as my resolve was gone and that sugar hit my lips all hell broke loose. Thankfully it was a false alarm.

On the plus side I did get a few more steps in as I accompanied the site manager to check all was well  in the building before I headed for home.  Not the most enjoyable cake eating experience 😂🙈🍰. Great diet strategy though 🤣.

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