
Thursday 20 February 2020

Tree hugging beast

Most dog owners have normal dogs
They don’t need to appear in random blogs.
They trot along tails up high
Noses pointing to the sky. 

My little fur baby seems a bit crazy
He’s definitely far from lazy.
He loves to go on muddy walks
All the way it’s like he talks. 

Singing here and whining there
People passing don’t half stare
A singing pooch is quite a feat
It’s truly something hard to beat.

But singing isn’t where it ends
Although that drives you round the bend.
He has this rather strange obsession 
Which does help get out any aggression.

You see he has a real dear friend
It’s something that tends to bow and bend.
Most dogs love to chase a stick
Run after a ball that you kick.

But not my Benji oh no no
He finds a branch hanging down low.
Jumps aboard and doesn’t let go
How he does it - we don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️.

He hangs on tight with all his might
Swings about because he’s so light.
He’s hanging on bouncing up and down 
Lucy Lou rolling in fox poop she’s found 🤢

But he doesn’t stop there on no not him
Swinging on branches is just one of his things.
He’s a modern day boy don’t you know
Tree hugging is also in his portfolio 😂.

He surveys his land as he walks
Maybe looking for a tree that talks 🌳.
Once he’s found he’s chosen tower
Up he climbs with amazing power.

Perhaps he’s hunting squirrels or chasing birds
There he goes singing his doggy words 🙈🐶.
He stands so proud up his tree
Saying to all look at me.

He’s got no fear of any height
I’m sure he’s going to take flight.
He stands there oh so proud and tall
Despite the fact he’s only small 🐶.

So when we are out for a stroll 
Please remember Benji has no self control
He thinks he’s a bird or a plane
Or maybe he just needs a lions mane 🙈

Good job he’s got Sally keeping him safe
She really is his best human mate. 
Dog walker extraordinaire 
His doggy adventures she loves to share ❤️

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