
Sunday 9 February 2020

Hello February - grow like a Daffodil

I think I officially slept through all of January - not quite but it felt like it.  Like a lot of people I have not been feeling myself by a long way - so many illnesses doing the rounds and sometimes us humans are not very good at self care are we!

I was beginning to think I would forever be spending my weekends in my faithful, loyal and comfy PJs.  Man a girl definitely needs a good cosy pair of jimjams and a dressing gown - if you cannot sink a wine or gin or demolish a kilo of chocolate then your fall back is ALWAYs PJs and dressing gown 🤣.

So it has been a bleak start to 2020 - I am seriously considering a re-think on my July half marathon for 2 reasons:-
1) I have not done any running for so long now by trainers have upped and left home to go and live with some woman who promised them a life of regular runs (or they may be buried in the bottom of my gym bag..... 🤔
2) And this one is mega unfair - somehow I have done something to my Achilles tendon - no idea how - I have not been doing anything. Honestly my body and mind are falling apart!  I am contemplating the way forward with this one at this stage - strengthening and stretching seem key.

So all in all I have spent January sat on the sofa, wallowing in a massive, deep, never ending pool of self pity.  Maybe it was a touch of SAD syndrome thrown in for good measure - who knows.

Tell what I do know .........

This week I most definitely have felt much better.  Actually left the house yesterday - and no not just to go to work (well that would not be happening on a Saturday anyway!).  I left the house in a social capacity and followed it up with a fantastic walk with our beautiful (if not slightly crazy) dogs.  The sun was shining (that did not last long did it 🌞 #StormCiara) - there were signs of Spring everywhere too so all was well in the world.  If those bulbs can stay underground all that time and use all their energy to force their way back through the earth, mud and soil and emerge victorious, proud and strong then surely we can do this as well.  It was lovely to see those daffodils standing up loud and proud and those delicate snowdrops peeping through the hedgerows, like someone who is not sure if they have been invited to the party or not, so just slip in quietly and observe the wondrous hedgerow around them, peeping their delicate snow white heads through the greenery - giving us all hope and joy.

So I feel I have been like the humble but beautiful daffodil - hidden from view but I am slowly but surely getting back out there.  Maybe not running but just living and enjoying life one day at a time.  If I develop a great big yellow head though you will let me know won't you?😜

Happy Sunday folks ❤

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