
Sunday 16 February 2020

Eat the rainbow - begin to glow 🌈

I rest my arms upon my belly
It’s wobbling like a beautiful jelly.
I don’t really mind my muffin top fat
So long as I’m healthy I am happy with that.

However my diet has been pretty shocking
Those cakes and biscuit I’ve been a rocking.
I need to stop and take stock of it all
At least I will bounce should I have a great fall 🙈.

Tomorrow I will start, I promise I will
I will stop stuffing food down - just eat my fill.
The world is full of a rainbow of food 🌈
So why eat the junk when you are feeling blue?

It seems I like puddings, chocolates and sweets
I’m also obsessed with my daily portion of meat.
So I’m sitting here talking myself fit
Of my rolls, lumps and bumps I must get a grip!

So as the sun rises tomorrow - or maybe the rain just stops
I shall stop eating everything until my belly goes pop!
A rainbow of food I shall endeavour to eat
And if I could go to the gym that would also be neat.

So wish me luck folks as my willpower is low.
I may end up face planting a whole chocolate gateau!
I will find my resolve and leave the junk well alone
Although when I see it my heart will just groan.

That junk food is addictive - my terrible vice
It all just tastes so terribly nice!
But I will think of my rainbow if I’m feeling weak
And try to remember junk sticks to your butt cheek!

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