
Friday 21 February 2020

It’s a Nerd thing ......🀦🏻‍♀️πŸ™ˆπŸ€”

It’s a Nerd thing ......🀦🏻‍♀️πŸ™ˆπŸ€”

Wow who knew holiday time could be so stressful - I think this may be a sign that I need to keep working πŸ˜‚.

So my beautiful grandchildren arrived home for a few days Wednesday night - I went to work Thursday but got home a bit earlier to make a nice family tea (Waltons theme tune playing in my head). I’m mid beef cobbler when they descend upon us having been out and about all day. It was at this point that I first heard those dreaded words “Isaac has put a Nerd in his ear” - he can’t have I think, although I can quite see why a 4 year old boy may think mmmm I wonder if this yellow sweet would go in my ear 🀷🏼.

After much protesting - man that boy could give Donald Trump a run for his money - we pinned him down, torch out and sure enough as the torchlight shone down his tiny ear canal there lay a glorious yellow Nerd. Right ok it’s time to call NHS direct (although we all know where this is going) my beef cobbler is now bubbling away in the oven awaiting the “cobbles” to adorn it any time now. So there it was the answer we knew was coming - you need to go straight to A and E - mmmmm I look lovingly at my beef cobbler bubbling away in the oven  - I quickly slap the scone topping on to it - pop it back in the oven and bid it farewell (emotional moment). Would I ever get my tea? Who knew!

So off we go, Isaac is now assuming a crab like position with his head - keep it tilted they had told us, to make sure it doesn’t go down any deeper. Errrr right ok??? In he waddles to Withybush hospital - head glued to his shoulder - he is by now (after lots of tears) a little boy who’s very compliant as the realisation has set in that “said sweet” is lodged in there πŸ™ˆ.  The receptionist looks at us like we are a bit mad when we explain why he is looking at her with this strange sideways look - "it’s ok" she says to Isaac "you don’t have to tilt your head anymore, that won't make any difference honestly".

So we perched on the tiny children’s chairs waiting, knees up in our chests (I am actually wondering if I will be able to get up out of this tiny chair) - waiting and hoping this would be an easy extraction (the Nerd not my bottom from the chair!). The fab NHS staff don’t keep us waiting long. Amused nurses looking at the bag of Nerds we are clutching - so it was one of these he stuck in his ear we tell them. It’s hard not to smirk but poor Isaac is a little concerned at the implements coming out and the industrial size light.  Well try as they might with hooks and suction it was not budging. So we are off to Glangwilli next πŸ™ˆ.  Isaac leaves the hospital shrugging his shoulders “oh well never mind” he says - he’s missed the point that we are going to another hospital - this kid thinks he’s just going to have to live with a Nerd in his ear forever 🀣.

We leave there and decide to go via home as we had no money and thought we may need it to pay for parking. As we run back into the house I think, here is my moment, reunited with my beef cobbler - there she sits on the counter - nicely browned and smelling fab.  I whack some in a bowl - moving picnic in the car - sorted.

So it’s now about 9pm and we are all flagging - fortunately we didn’t have to wait long at Glangwilli to see the ENT doctor. We pull out our Nerds - the pile now a little depleted due to hunger πŸ˜‚. Out comes another suction tool but alas another fail - we are told come back to see "Mr Ed" at his clinic tomorrow morning he may be able to get it out.  We would be fast tracked through, first appointment of the day. Oh and they have provisionally enquired about theatre availability and that would be Monday.  My confidence levels slipped slightly - like when I watched Wales grand slam hopes slip away.......

Oh man I wonder if Mr Ed knew the pressure on his shoulders - it was him or theatre - so Mr Ed really did have to pull it out of the bag - or the ear! Tired and hungry Macdonalds meals are called for (not me I’m as full as an egg 🀣). It is 10:30pm and we are ordering the patient a cheeseburger happy meal. Oh the irony when they bring it out in a Mr Bump box πŸ˜πŸ€•.

So my day off and we are up and out early. Back to Glangwilli we are feeling a little important - reporting at the front desk - yeah we are here to see Mr Ed - it’s an emergency appointment - not so important when you follow this with “yeah he’s got a Nerd stuck in his ear - he put it in there himself, he was saving it for later πŸ€””.  Straight in to (who in my head now I’m calling) Big Ed. Yes come on Big Ed - think of it like a game of operation with Isaac being the live buzzer. To be fair he was very brave - that may have been due to the levels of bribery which over the course of events had escalated.  We went from a Happy Meal to a Folly Farm visit to a cuddly toy from Folly Farm to a large cuddly toy from Folly Farm to adopting a Rhino - I drew the line at buying a rhino - where did he think we were going to keep that πŸ˜±πŸ™ˆ.

Anyway within 10 minutes Mr Ed had retrieved the pesky sweet with his specialist "hoover" (probably a Henry hoover I expect πŸ˜€) - hallelujah - our hero.

So it’s home again and we collect his sister to go to Folly Farm - fortunately for me all talk of animal adoption had been forgotten but man he was going to have a huge cuddly toy, that was all he was talking about. I’m nodding and agreeing praying he’s not eyed up the "standing giraffe" for £140 πŸ™ˆ.

We decide to go to the fairground - now who doesn’t love a bit of hook a duck - Isaac's favourite - he has a couple of goes - the usual - anything from the bottom row. Isabelle rocks up for a go - well the chances must be slim to nothing but she only goes and scores top shelf. The biggest cuddly dolphin you’ve ever seen (well not life size obviously πŸ™„ and alright maybe not the BIGGEST ). This was the point when Isaac felt his world had fallen apart - big tears and tantrum - he wanted a big cuddly toy too. No number of but nana’s getting you a big cuddly from the shop was working. Like the fools we are we agree to let him have another go - yup it was never happening was it. Anything from the bottom shelf. Waaaaahhhhhh - honestly you’d think he’d been told Folly Farm was closing down and he’d never see the penguins again or play hook a duck again. Stress levels super charged.

We manage to persuade him to come to the shop for his hearts desire. What does he want the huge PINK rainbow TY unicorn. I’m all on board - let him have it I say - modern man owning it - you get that one Isaac. He eventually rethinks this and gets a funky blue/purple/yellow psychedelic bear type thing. Oh and please could he have this blue thing because he loved it. “I love it nana, please can I have it, please” - me “what is it?” Isaac “I don’t know but I love it”. 🀦🏻‍♀️πŸ˜‚. It’s a wind up torch Isaac. I’m past caring by now and in need of a large red wine. Have the wind up torch I announce - that kid is so full of love for his gullible nana at this point.

So we leave the shop with a large purple/blue bear thing, blue wind up torch and TY two snap bands for Isabelle. I felt like standing at the till shouting - anyone else having a crisis and need a big cuddly toy in their life to make it all good again - no - anyone like a wind up torch, it is the best thing ever - no - anyone else slept with a Nerd last night (ooops no maybe not ask that question) πŸ˜‚.

So home we go - two happy children - two worn out adults - a pile of memories and a resolution to never buy Nerds again!

A day in the life of ......

J C Hicks copyright 21-2-2020

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