
Wednesday 31 July 2019

I am but just a bumble bee!

I lead a very busy life, buzzing here and buzzing there,
You will notice me immediately as I sport rather funky hair!
It is a stunning black and yellow, I wear it as a striking stripe
But my coat, it comes with lots of stereotypes. 😞

You people think because I buzz I must be rather angry
I think that actually I am really rather spangly!
But still you hear me buzzing by
and all your arms - up do fly.

That buzzing sound that I omit
Is merely my wings on the beat.
I move them oh so very fast
The wind creates a mighty blast.

It seems you hear me from afar
You take that stance - ready to spar.
But please don't hurt me - can't you see
I am just a harmless bumble bee.

I have a purpose don't you know.
I land on flowers and make the pollen blow.
My wings create that magic beat
Nectar is my desired treat.

I love to land amongst the flowers
Sometimes I have to dodge the pesky showers. 🌦
I love it when the sun shines through 🌞
I can collect my nectar - my home brew.

I am a very busy bee - flying around from flower to flower
Lavender, roses, marigolds - I bob around with super power.
I only have a tiny window - not much time to collect my gold.
Then I see you, over there, what is that thing that you hold?

Oh no, here we go - please don't let that sight be true!
That familiar dance we have to do. πŸ’ƒ
There you stand with your menacing frown
A rolled up paper - ready to bring me down.

I fly away as fast as I can
but you are swiping, like an evil man!
Oh stop it, stop it - please don't hurt me
I am just a harmless fat bumble bee.

My wings transparent -  my fuzzy body which is rotund
With one swipe I would be stunned.
Leave me alone with your giant fly swatter
Your eyes just focussed on my slaughter.

My heart is beating oh so hard
I must not inadvertently drop my guard.
I could just use my secret weapon
My sting which is as tough as teflon.

I really don't want to sting you
I want to just say adieu!
You flailing arms are really swinging
Is that the Daily Mail your flinging?

At last it seems you are giving up
Does that make you the runner up?
That little girl is pulling hard upon on your arm
"Stop" she's saying - "the bees, you cannot cause them harm".

What is this that she is saying?
A reprieve for me from a slaying?
"Daddy stop" she pleads again
"Please let me just explain".

"We need the bees in our lives
Let them go back to their hives.
They pollinate the flowers and plants
Besides Dad - you are in your underpants!"

"Come inside and leave him be
Let him go - let him flee."
I hover a little and watch them go.
Inside I feel a little glow.

I am free once more to do my work
I allow myself a little smirk.
I land upon on a beautiful petal
Here I sit and finally settle.

The sun is beating on my wings
I listen to the birds as they sing.
I must get on - I must get back
The Queen will think I have begun to slack!

So when you see a busy bee
Remember that it is them we need.
They are so important in our lives
So lets all make sure they truly thrive!

Monday 15 July 2019

Sunny summer hazy days - you may need to avert your gaze.......

I never thought the day would come
I’d put on shorts to go for a run.
But my car was telling me it was 28 degrees
Wow that heat could bring me to my knees!

So on went the shorts - out come the thighs
Maybe I should not have eaten all those pies.
I won't be put off - I won't be ashamed
My fitness needs to be reclaimed!

So I will go out proudly - legs on display
Keep on going - come what may
For we all come in lots of shapes and sizes
And for perseverance - your fitness rises!

The Lion King played by Benji Boo

My dog climbs trees don't you know
I think he does it just for show.
Maybe he thinks he is a monkey
Or perhaps he was feeling a little spunky.

Maybe he thought he was in the Lion King
I swear I thought he was about to sing.
The Circle of Life or Hakuna Matata
Why it could have been quite a sonata!

Oh please don't fall from that tree
or find a nest full of bumble bees!
He really does not seem to care
As for me - I'm now turning to prayer!

He seems to want to go up higher
Next he will be wanting a high wire.
Oh good - relief - he's coming back down
Thank goodness all four paws back on the ground.

I swear though when got back down
He grinned and turned back around.
I swear I heard him begin to sing
"Oh I just can't wait to be King!"

Saturday 13 July 2019

A doggy welcome 🐢 πŸ•

When you have a dog there is one thing that you learn
When leave the house, for that money you must earn
There will always be a welcome home
From your dogs who you left all alone.

They’ll bound towards you in full flight
Jumping up with all their might.
She’s back she’s back - their yelps will say
They’ll try and lick you come what may.

Their tails will wag like planes propellers
Their jumping skills are really quite stellar!
They’ll twist and turn to reach your face
Whatever you were holding is now displaced!

Their joy is clear for all to see
wagging tails and yelps of glee
The thing that really makes you smile
Is you’ve only been gone a wee short while!

Unconditional love I think they call it
We pick up their poo - we can’t ignore it!
They damage our brand new dining room chairs
When I’m lying resting they will come pull my hair.

They sit with their head on our laps as we eat
Hoping we will throw them a tasty treat.
You look at those eyes all forlorn
Oh go on - you can share my popcorn.

They lie on our laps as we watch the T.V.
Only moving when they need a wee.
They follow you round from room to room
That even extends into the bathroom.

And when you stand and shout out “treats”
They return faster than Olympic athletes.
They’ll sit, lie down and offer their paw
All for that juicy bone they want to gnaw.

I love my dogs - they bring me cheer
Despite the fact they chew my ears!
They truly are man’s best friend
And may this relationship never end ❤️

Wednesday 10 July 2019

Hide and seek

I went to open the cupboard door
Now what was it I had come here for?
I scratched my head and and pulled at my ear
Nope still no idea why I was here.

I will walk away that will work
I’m beginning to feel a bit of a twerp.
I stroll around - looking down
Still the answer can’t be found.

I know, I will try and retrace my steps
That’s what always what works the best.
Trouble is I’m not quite clear
From which of these rooms did I appear?

I will sit and have a cup of tea
Balance some biscuits on my knee.
I will forget about that blasted cupboard
It’s making me feel like old mother Hubbard.

It’s so annoying don’t you agree
When you can’t recall things easily.
Perhaps I made a note somewhere
Now I’m starting to really despair.

Yes that will be it I will have written it down
You see I’m not such a silly old clown.
Now where’s my glasses - where could they be
I really must find them as  I do need to see.

Oh dear my poor memory is really quite testing
But I guess there’s no point in standing protesting.
I know where I put them - of course - silly me
And I now I remember - I needed to see.

So back to the cupboard I go with a stride
That says woman on a mission - so stand aside.
I open the cupboard door feeling triumphant
Oh look a cheese sandwich smelling quite pungent!

I wondered what had happened to that gourmet delight
That I lovingly made just the other night.
Of course you know what this discovery means
My specs are in the fridge with yesterday’s beans!

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Happy Birthday Georgie Boy

I know you think I’m a little late
A happy birthday I need to state.
We’ve sat and shared a drink or two
As usual the time just flew.

My husband has turned 56
And here he is - still with his chicks.
We’ve shared a lovely Chinese meal
The gin and tonic was my archilles heal!

Now with a full belly and bleary eyes
I need a blog that’s truly pint size
A short little ditty that’s full of cheer
Just like my George when he’s full of beer.

So Happy Birthday to Georgie boy
Too old now to buy those fancy toys
Instead it’s clothes, beer and slippers
A few years back it may have been strippers πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚.

I hope you’ve enjoyed your mini party
I’m sorry there were no bags rammed with smarties.
Here we are - another year has passed us by
Whoosh - gone in just the flash of an eye.

We’ve had quite a year of drama
More than our fair share of trauma.
Tonight we sat and enjoyed the now
So goodnight by love - I will take my bow

31 years we’ve been together
Gosh that seems like forever πŸ˜‚
And though I drive you round the bend
You will always be my best friend
(Well maybe after the dogs 🐢😜πŸ₯°)

Happy birthday Stevie Wonder ❤️

Monday 8 July 2019

Pam Ayres - a treasure in the making ....

We went to see Pam Ayres tonight
And it really was a true delight.
She’ll bring a smile across your face 
Her comedy delivered with such grace.
She radiates a humour that reaches across the room.
She will lift your spirits way up high and bring you out of gloom. 
So you really need to see her - before it is too late!

Her poems are so clever and written from the heart.
You will want to sit and listen to her right from the very start.
Her delivery of her written word really hits the mark.
It is like your listening to an old friend
And the laughter really never ends.

Pam Ayres I do salute you as you are an inspiration.
You’ve been delivering your stories for years to our nation.
Long may you carry on your entertaining show
Stories of your dogs, hedgehogs and all those things we know.
Your witty take on life and all its observations 
Are really truly funny relatable creations.

So thank you Miss Ayres for sharing your work.
Especially your funny story about your static skirt πŸ˜‚.
Not to mention husbands and of course our poor old teeth.
I think there will be some of us turning over a new leaf.
So those of you yet to go ........
You will enjoy it - this I know. 


Sunday 7 July 2019

Flower power

Life is like a beautiful flower

Do you not think that life is like a flower
That rises up as a tall as a tower.
It starts off in the dark like a baby in the womb
Then bam πŸ’₯ it emerges from its earthy tomb.
All small and weak at first, needing food and nurture
It stretches up and up until it really can’t go any further.

Then it starts to to open up no longer shy and retiring
Bees, birds, insects and humans all stopping and admiring.
For now the flowers showing off it’s glorious blooms
A burst of petals like a bird showing off it’s plumes.
Loved and nurtured it’s got so much to share
The smell of it’s perfume is everywhere.

And then it’s beauty starts to fade
It’s petals colours slowly lose their shade.
Then the petals start to slowly drop
Some faster than others, some just flop.
Some fade away faster as they cannot weather the storm
Some have the strength to dance through the rainfall.

The final petals finally fall drifting on the breeze
This wonderful plant no longer able to feed the bees.
It’s helped so many in its life and now it’s time is done
It’s probably seen sadness, tears, laughter, happiness and fun.
If it could think it may feel it’s touched and helped no-one
But this would not be true for we all know what it’s done.

So don’t ever sit and wonder how your own life touches others
It will be the little things you’ve done - maybe even undercover!πŸ˜€
We grow in some way with every day that passes
You don’t have to try and reach out to the masses.
Just be yourself and kind and caring
Giving a little and maybe sharing.
Like the flowers we all come in different guises
We really do come in many many sizes!

So it’s fine to be different - stand proud and tall
Never shy away feeling insignificant and small.
You really will be someone’s rock
You may well be their ticking clock.
We all are beautiful in our own way
So stay strong come what may.
Push out your petals for all to see
Sing and dance and jump with glee.

If you look and think others are better than you
Don’t be silly don’t be a fool.
Find your inner strength and believe in you
We all have something to offer - it’s true!
You may not know it when you are in the storm
Hang on to your petals don’t let them be torn.
Your truly awesome 😎 so remember to believe in you
For when your gone you will want them to know you truly flew ❤️


Thursday 4 July 2019

The little wooden box

Well as promised it was swim night! The best thing about glorious sunny weather - empty pool - yippee - it’s a long walk from that changing room to the safety of that pool you know. My word I absolutely did a catwalk routine from the changing room to the water having the place to myself πŸ˜‚.

Also nice because whilst you are swimming back and forth (which is actually quite boring) you can pretend you’ve won the lottery and you are just winding down in your pool.  Thinking that you should be throwing a pool party for all your chums - oh but who to invite? Or pretending that you are not inviting real friends but your idols - you know like that old question- who would invite to a dinner party. I think I’d set The Beatles up by my jacuzzi and then I’d invite Martin Kemp to play in the pool - maybe Boris to fetch a ball or something - just to entertain me. Then Nelson Mandela could rest on the sun loungers and feed me words of wisdom. What do you reckon? Then in the changing room I would have The Killers so I could sing out loud whilst washing my hair. By the way in steam room and sauna I would pop some shallow self obsessed celebrity just to see if they “melted” 🀣.

So there I am, I can’t say dream to much about lottery style living or perfect pool party guests as I have to count my lengths - so annoying when you lose count. Seventy lengths later - oh yes people you heard me 70 lengths - are you impressed - no arm bands - no pink unicorn πŸ¦„ inflatable - just sheer power. Seventy lengths ...... well ok so the pool is only 14 metres long but hey you were impressed momentarily weren’t you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œπŸŠπŸ»‍♀️.  After my exhausting swim I thought I would venture into the sauna.

The sauna - the little wooden box. First mistake - I think I should have taken a towel to sit on - man that wood was hot hot hot πŸ₯΅. Well by now there were people in MY pool so I thought well I can’t just walk straight back out - defeated by dry heat.  So I perched my ample bottom on the edge of the wooden seat. That was ok but now my feet were burning - so I had to sort of put them up on tip toe. I sat looking out - beyond MY pool - through the windows which framed the wonderful, serene countryside. Field upon field, sheep grazing, wonderful strong, tall trees with years of secrets hidden away, the church nestling in between the glorious outdoors. It was a beautiful scene - peaceful. So here’s the strange thing - I’m sat, well perched, in the little wooden box (hot box) - I’m feeling like I’m in the doctors surgery waiting to be seen, I’m doing that whole looking around, up, down, sideways - move feet ouch. Survey wonderful view ..... wondering how long I’ve actually been in there - one minute probably.  Do that whole pretend to whistle thing. Then actually think mmmmm if I had my phone now I could scroll through endless rubbish (like this blog lol πŸ˜†)! No! Stop! What is wrong with me - I must have lasted 5 minutes - 5 minutes in a box of emptiness - just me my burning buttocks and a full mind. It made me think how we’ve just forgotten how to stop, relax, think about nothing and how hard it is to do that! Well for me it is - my mind just doesn’t stop - it’s like mindless drivel on a loop πŸ™ˆ.

So the challenge? To be more zen 🧘🏻‍♂️ - even if it is in a little wooden box which burns your bottom. Note to self take towel in next time - who knows I may be try the steam room next - are you with me........🀣.

#Mindfulness #LifeIsShort #UnicornsRule #Relax #chill

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Recovery run and gin what more could you want .....

Recovery run

Well we are making progress folks and I’m so excited! Tonight in this glorious sunshine I ventured out, a little nervous, for a jaunt around the local nature walk.  I was not sure what to expect and I swear it took me as long to get ready as I planned to run for - 20 minutes. Eighteen of those minutes are just getting into your sports bra 🀷🏻‍♀️.

This was it - the first step of my journey to my Cardiff half training plan, at one point I thought I’d never be pulling my trainers on again.

So the rules stick to the grass or soft surfaces - no concrete - walk and run only - start with 20 minutes - no more no matter HOW tempting.

I decided I needed a good fall back plan - music - choose wisely my child - choose wisely. So I opted to drag The Killers along - I mean why not - what’s not to love. They are a good bunch of lads.

How lucky I had the place to myself so off I set and just blasted out at the top of voice “are we human....or are dancer” well who knows the answer to that one! As mad as it sounds I was so excited to get outside and get my little chubby thighs plodding around again. Got frightened to death by a dog sneaking up on me - decided at that point my music was clearly too loud πŸ˜‚πŸ™Š. Also hoping they had not heard my cats chorus πŸ™€.

So 20 minutes walking and running - flipped my ratio to 1 minute walking and 30 seconds running but that was fine.

The sun was shining and all was well in the world, made better by the fact that my gin club delivery had arrived.  So it was home for tea, ice pack on hip just to be sure and I now have the excitement of seeing which fabulous gin the lovely gin people have sent me this quarter.

Does it get any better - no really - does it?  πŸ˜‚

Gin gin 🍸