
Tuesday 2 July 2019

Recovery run and gin what more could you want .....

Recovery run

Well we are making progress folks and I’m so excited! Tonight in this glorious sunshine I ventured out, a little nervous, for a jaunt around the local nature walk.  I was not sure what to expect and I swear it took me as long to get ready as I planned to run for - 20 minutes. Eighteen of those minutes are just getting into your sports bra 🤷🏻‍♀️.

This was it - the first step of my journey to my Cardiff half training plan, at one point I thought I’d never be pulling my trainers on again.

So the rules stick to the grass or soft surfaces - no concrete - walk and run only - start with 20 minutes - no more no matter HOW tempting.

I decided I needed a good fall back plan - music - choose wisely my child - choose wisely. So I opted to drag The Killers along - I mean why not - what’s not to love. They are a good bunch of lads.

How lucky I had the place to myself so off I set and just blasted out at the top of voice “are we human....or are dancer” well who knows the answer to that one! As mad as it sounds I was so excited to get outside and get my little chubby thighs plodding around again. Got frightened to death by a dog sneaking up on me - decided at that point my music was clearly too loud 😂🙊. Also hoping they had not heard my cats chorus 🙀.

So 20 minutes walking and running - flipped my ratio to 1 minute walking and 30 seconds running but that was fine.

The sun was shining and all was well in the world, made better by the fact that my gin club delivery had arrived.  So it was home for tea, ice pack on hip just to be sure and I now have the excitement of seeing which fabulous gin the lovely gin people have sent me this quarter.

Does it get any better - no really - does it?  😂

Gin gin 🍸

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