
Saturday 13 July 2019

A doggy welcome 🐶 🐕

When you have a dog there is one thing that you learn
When leave the house, for that money you must earn
There will always be a welcome home
From your dogs who you left all alone.

They’ll bound towards you in full flight
Jumping up with all their might.
She’s back she’s back - their yelps will say
They’ll try and lick you come what may.

Their tails will wag like planes propellers
Their jumping skills are really quite stellar!
They’ll twist and turn to reach your face
Whatever you were holding is now displaced!

Their joy is clear for all to see
wagging tails and yelps of glee
The thing that really makes you smile
Is you’ve only been gone a wee short while!

Unconditional love I think they call it
We pick up their poo - we can’t ignore it!
They damage our brand new dining room chairs
When I’m lying resting they will come pull my hair.

They sit with their head on our laps as we eat
Hoping we will throw them a tasty treat.
You look at those eyes all forlorn
Oh go on - you can share my popcorn.

They lie on our laps as we watch the T.V.
Only moving when they need a wee.
They follow you round from room to room
That even extends into the bathroom.

And when you stand and shout out “treats”
They return faster than Olympic athletes.
They’ll sit, lie down and offer their paw
All for that juicy bone they want to gnaw.

I love my dogs - they bring me cheer
Despite the fact they chew my ears!
They truly are man’s best friend
And may this relationship never end ❤️

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