
Wednesday 31 July 2019

I am but just a bumble bee!

I lead a very busy life, buzzing here and buzzing there,
You will notice me immediately as I sport rather funky hair!
It is a stunning black and yellow, I wear it as a striking stripe
But my coat, it comes with lots of stereotypes. 😞

You people think because I buzz I must be rather angry
I think that actually I am really rather spangly!
But still you hear me buzzing by
and all your arms - up do fly.

That buzzing sound that I omit
Is merely my wings on the beat.
I move them oh so very fast
The wind creates a mighty blast.

It seems you hear me from afar
You take that stance - ready to spar.
But please don't hurt me - can't you see
I am just a harmless bumble bee.

I have a purpose don't you know.
I land on flowers and make the pollen blow.
My wings create that magic beat
Nectar is my desired treat.

I love to land amongst the flowers
Sometimes I have to dodge the pesky showers. 🌦
I love it when the sun shines through 🌞
I can collect my nectar - my home brew.

I am a very busy bee - flying around from flower to flower
Lavender, roses, marigolds - I bob around with super power.
I only have a tiny window - not much time to collect my gold.
Then I see you, over there, what is that thing that you hold?

Oh no, here we go - please don't let that sight be true!
That familiar dance we have to do. 💃
There you stand with your menacing frown
A rolled up paper - ready to bring me down.

I fly away as fast as I can
but you are swiping, like an evil man!
Oh stop it, stop it - please don't hurt me
I am just a harmless fat bumble bee.

My wings transparent -  my fuzzy body which is rotund
With one swipe I would be stunned.
Leave me alone with your giant fly swatter
Your eyes just focussed on my slaughter.

My heart is beating oh so hard
I must not inadvertently drop my guard.
I could just use my secret weapon
My sting which is as tough as teflon.

I really don't want to sting you
I want to just say adieu!
You flailing arms are really swinging
Is that the Daily Mail your flinging?

At last it seems you are giving up
Does that make you the runner up?
That little girl is pulling hard upon on your arm
"Stop" she's saying - "the bees, you cannot cause them harm".

What is this that she is saying?
A reprieve for me from a slaying?
"Daddy stop" she pleads again
"Please let me just explain".

"We need the bees in our lives
Let them go back to their hives.
They pollinate the flowers and plants
Besides Dad - you are in your underpants!"

"Come inside and leave him be
Let him go - let him flee."
I hover a little and watch them go.
Inside I feel a little glow.

I am free once more to do my work
I allow myself a little smirk.
I land upon on a beautiful petal
Here I sit and finally settle.

The sun is beating on my wings
I listen to the birds as they sing.
I must get on - I must get back
The Queen will think I have begun to slack!

So when you see a busy bee
Remember that it is them we need.
They are so important in our lives
So lets all make sure they truly thrive!

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