
Tuesday 9 July 2019

Happy Birthday Georgie Boy

I know you think I’m a little late
A happy birthday I need to state.
We’ve sat and shared a drink or two
As usual the time just flew.

My husband has turned 56
And here he is - still with his chicks.
We’ve shared a lovely Chinese meal
The gin and tonic was my archilles heal!

Now with a full belly and bleary eyes
I need a blog that’s truly pint size
A short little ditty that’s full of cheer
Just like my George when he’s full of beer.

So Happy Birthday to Georgie boy
Too old now to buy those fancy toys
Instead it’s clothes, beer and slippers
A few years back it may have been strippers πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚.

I hope you’ve enjoyed your mini party
I’m sorry there were no bags rammed with smarties.
Here we are - another year has passed us by
Whoosh - gone in just the flash of an eye.

We’ve had quite a year of drama
More than our fair share of trauma.
Tonight we sat and enjoyed the now
So goodnight by love - I will take my bow

31 years we’ve been together
Gosh that seems like forever πŸ˜‚
And though I drive you round the bend
You will always be my best friend
(Well maybe after the dogs 🐢😜πŸ₯°)

Happy birthday Stevie Wonder ❤️

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