
Wednesday 10 July 2019

Hide and seek

I went to open the cupboard door
Now what was it I had come here for?
I scratched my head and and pulled at my ear
Nope still no idea why I was here.

I will walk away that will work
I’m beginning to feel a bit of a twerp.
I stroll around - looking down
Still the answer can’t be found.

I know, I will try and retrace my steps
That’s what always what works the best.
Trouble is I’m not quite clear
From which of these rooms did I appear?

I will sit and have a cup of tea
Balance some biscuits on my knee.
I will forget about that blasted cupboard
It’s making me feel like old mother Hubbard.

It’s so annoying don’t you agree
When you can’t recall things easily.
Perhaps I made a note somewhere
Now I’m starting to really despair.

Yes that will be it I will have written it down
You see I’m not such a silly old clown.
Now where’s my glasses - where could they be
I really must find them as  I do need to see.

Oh dear my poor memory is really quite testing
But I guess there’s no point in standing protesting.
I know where I put them - of course - silly me
And I now I remember - I needed to see.

So back to the cupboard I go with a stride
That says woman on a mission - so stand aside.
I open the cupboard door feeling triumphant
Oh look a cheese sandwich smelling quite pungent!

I wondered what had happened to that gourmet delight
That I lovingly made just the other night.
Of course you know what this discovery means
My specs are in the fridge with yesterday’s beans!

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