
Sunday 7 July 2019

Flower power

Life is like a beautiful flower

Do you not think that life is like a flower
That rises up as a tall as a tower.
It starts off in the dark like a baby in the womb
Then bam πŸ’₯ it emerges from its earthy tomb.
All small and weak at first, needing food and nurture
It stretches up and up until it really can’t go any further.

Then it starts to to open up no longer shy and retiring
Bees, birds, insects and humans all stopping and admiring.
For now the flowers showing off it’s glorious blooms
A burst of petals like a bird showing off it’s plumes.
Loved and nurtured it’s got so much to share
The smell of it’s perfume is everywhere.

And then it’s beauty starts to fade
It’s petals colours slowly lose their shade.
Then the petals start to slowly drop
Some faster than others, some just flop.
Some fade away faster as they cannot weather the storm
Some have the strength to dance through the rainfall.

The final petals finally fall drifting on the breeze
This wonderful plant no longer able to feed the bees.
It’s helped so many in its life and now it’s time is done
It’s probably seen sadness, tears, laughter, happiness and fun.
If it could think it may feel it’s touched and helped no-one
But this would not be true for we all know what it’s done.

So don’t ever sit and wonder how your own life touches others
It will be the little things you’ve done - maybe even undercover!πŸ˜€
We grow in some way with every day that passes
You don’t have to try and reach out to the masses.
Just be yourself and kind and caring
Giving a little and maybe sharing.
Like the flowers we all come in different guises
We really do come in many many sizes!

So it’s fine to be different - stand proud and tall
Never shy away feeling insignificant and small.
You really will be someone’s rock
You may well be their ticking clock.
We all are beautiful in our own way
So stay strong come what may.
Push out your petals for all to see
Sing and dance and jump with glee.

If you look and think others are better than you
Don’t be silly don’t be a fool.
Find your inner strength and believe in you
We all have something to offer - it’s true!
You may not know it when you are in the storm
Hang on to your petals don’t let them be torn.
Your truly awesome 😎 so remember to believe in you
For when your gone you will want them to know you truly flew ❤️


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