
Sunday 7 November 2021

The pigeon’s demise 😥

The pigeon’s demise 😥 

Well today saw the end of a beautiful relationship.

The end of what could have been a wonderful courtship. 

A glorious day, the sun shining bright 

Little did I know of the poor pigeon’s plight!

I stroll to the coffee shop with not a care in the world

And there on the pavement, my pigeon, wings furled. 

I say wings furled that’s strictly not right 

For I was met with an horrific sight!

My beautiful pigeon, who’d led me a merry dance

Well it looked like he hadn’t stood a chance. 

For there he lay and he was as flat as a pancake.

Probably diminished at the start of daybreak. 

He’d probably been sat minding his own business 

Maybe even looking forward to Christmas 🤷🏻‍♀️

But alas for it was just not meant to be.

No more pecking about under the church trees

Gone in a moment - a very sad passing 

Now there will be no more coffee shop trespassing. 

So rest in peace my poor feathered friend 

I only hope that it was quick at the end. 


J C Hicks Copyright 7-11-21

Friday 22 October 2021

Pesky pigeons playing games …….🤔

Pesky pigeons playing games …….🤔

A game of cat and mouse is in play

It’s been going on pretty much every day.

You see there is a very special customer at the coffee shop.

He doesn’t walk, he sort of waddles, well more like a hop.

He’s very brave, bold and brash

This customer doesn’t carry card or cash. 

But still every day he tries to get to the best table 

Sometimes he bring his wife, I’ve nicknamed her Mabel. 

His head jerking back and forth as he waddles through the door. 

As soon as he’s inside my feet don’t hit the floor. 

From counter to door in less than 30 seconds 

He’s through that door in less than a nanosecond. 

He doesn’t need a menu and he’s definitely barred 

Oh yes - Chicks has been promoted to pigeon guard! 

In he walks bold as brass expecting to be served 

Ha not today my friend for you’ve been observed! 

I’ve got my beady eyes on that bird 

But he really does not seem deterred!

In fact I really think he is mocking me 

One minute there’s one - next there’s three!

It’s like he’s gone off laughing and told all his mates 

Come to this coffee shop and watch Chicks stacking plates

Then when she is fully loaded we’ll just waddle in

Watch how she goes into a complete flat spin! 

Oh you pesky, puffed up pigeons you may well laugh…..

But it’s about time you started leaving tips for the staff! 


J C Hicks Copyright 22-10-21


Thursday 21 October 2021

The Big Fat Seagull ….. king of Tenby

The Big Fat Seagull ….. king of Tenby  

There is a great big fat seagull who sits outside the coffee shop. 

He sits and waits for any meagre crumbs that you may drop.

He doesn’t walk, he doesn’t fly - he merely waddles and sometimes hops.

But don’t be fooled because he is as wily as a fox 🦊.

He sits upon the old church wall and watches people passing by. 

And when he spies those chips or pasties only then does he fly. 

From nowhere he appears and steals the unsuspecting victim’s food. 

He’s fast, he’s silent, he’s got perfect aim and is quite shrewd. 

You open your mouth to sample your wears, bringing your delight up to your lips

Then poof - like magic  - you suddenly have magic disappearing chips! 

He swoops down in silence and devours what he caught.

All at once you look at your hands and there’s nothing left of what you bought! 

The king of Tenby never has to swipe his card or use hard earned cash!

The greedy seagull perches somewhere stealing the lot in a flash! 

No time to chew, no posh table manners - down the hatch like a hole in one.

In less than thirty seconds this feathered fiend’s dirty deed is done. 

Once he’s finished his fly by buffet he returns to his spot upon the wall.

It is here that you will hear him screech, squawk and bawl.

Crowing to all his bird like pals - another Greggs pasty has met its downfall! 

J C Hicks Copyright 21-10-21


Wednesday 20 October 2021

Reflections of you …..

Reflections of you ….. 

I’m staring deeply, intently into the water.

The water - dark with an unknown depth to it.

Yet it has a clean mirror like sheen. 

Still ……..but moving.

I can almost see myself looking back

A distorted vision of me.

Distorted by the ripples that gently move across it

It’s me but it’s not me.

Water reflecting back at me.

Is this how the world sees me?

Is this how I see myself?

Do any of us know the real person inside of us?

Or are we merely reflecting ourselves to the world.

Reflecting what we think we should.

Reflecting what “society” makes us feel we should.

Reflecting who we think we should be.

I smash my fist down into the icy cold water.

Droplets of water disperse the image.

I’m no longer there …..

I’m there ……but in pieces.

The ripples lessen and the water calms.

Once again I can see my reflection.

I sit and ponder ….

Who am I - why are we here - what does it all mean.

Despite the water moving, my reflection stays.

A changing image as the water flows onwards.

It seems to know it’s path, no faltering - just moving forward.

Yet we face so many paths, so many decisions.

Like the flowing water we move forwards,

But we look backwards.

Like the water smashing into rocks - we find another route when our options feel blocked. 

Ever questioning ourselves - always doubting our moves.

We need to be as certain as the water. 

We need to not look back.

Just move forward.

And remember……

That reflection is just one of our many layers.

It’s ok to have a face for the outside world. 

But always be happy in your heart and soul. 

Always be content with what you portray.

Be you.

That reflection is just one image of you.

Like that spontaneous photo - another image.

And like the reflection we are ever changing. 

Ever changing - with an unknown depth inside us.

Never doubt your abilities or worth.

We all have a purpose - like the water.

We are the lifeblood of society and our communities.

So just be you - be content - be kind - be inclusive 

But most of all  - believe in you. 

Copyright © J C Hicks


Wednesday 13 October 2021

Autumn’s Leafy Gifts to Mother Nature 🍁🍂

Autumn’s Leafy Gifts to Mother Nature 🍁🍂 

The leaves are slowly changing

They’ve gone through their cycle of life

Once fresh, green and vibrant 

They are now crisp, shrivelled and dry.

The winds that they could once withstand 

Now dislodge them from their branch.

As Autumn moves in their life blood slips away.

More fragile day by day.

Until that wind, like breath on a cheek

Blows and they gently fall to the ground.

A zig zag route from top to bottom

Settling on the damp, wet ground beneath them.

Suddenly surrounding the strong trunk,

which once supported them.

The ground now a fabulous array of autumnal colours.

Reds, browns and oranges.

We dive through them, pushing them up with our feet.

A delightful crunching sound meets our ears.

We laugh as the leaves momentarily lift into the air

Before slowly settling on the ground again. 

Is this the end of their purpose?

No, not at all.

Those leaves may now lie dormant on the ground

But as they slowly shrivel away their work begins 

A new role - a new purpose.

To feed the ground beneath it.

For they are Autumn’s gift to Mother Nature.

A nutrient, a life blood - natures rich food. 

So after their green vibrant days 

they live on in another form. 

I’d like to think our lives are similar.

We may not always be green and vibrant 

But every day you touch somebody’s life 

Making memories, creating family traditions.

Sharing kindness, laughter, love and fun. 

Life is more than just the days we are “living”.

I think we all live on in some way…..

By the deeds we have done and the people’s lives we’ve touched.

Never think your life isn’t important- we all have something to give - no matter how small it may feel. 

The smallest gesture can be the biggest moment in someone else’s life.

Be the leaf that keeps on giving to your fellow trees! 

🍃 🍁 🍂 🍃🍁🍂🍃🍁🍂🍃🍁🍂🍃🍁🍃🍁🍂

J C Hicks copyright 13-10-21

Saturday 31 July 2021

Pink fluffy slippers - set free #puppylove

Pink fluffy slippers - set free #puppylove

 I had some new slippers, all fluffy and pink.

I walked in the bedroom and I felt my heart sink.

My beautiful slippers lay all tattered and torn.

My pink furry babies I stood there, my slippers to mourn.

I look all around me but you are nowhere to be found. 

Come on, where are you, you sweet pesky hound! 

I spent a small fortune on an array of dog toys.

Some even making that high pitched squeaking noise!

My poor beautiful slippers, worn only once.

I look down at this fluff fest, just wanting to wince. 

I know you are here, just hiding away.

I will come and find you, come what may. 

I gently call out your name  as I’ve a new game to play. 

I have lovely doggy treats and I’m giving them away! 

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Come on my fur baby - you can’t have gone far!

Then I look down and see it, your give away sign.

Under the bed, there’s a wagging tail and a small whine.  

Aha I have got you - you can’t get away!

I am your master - the one you obey! 

I call out your name, so sickly and sweet.

There is nowhere that you can beat a retreat. 

You crawl out on your belly and lift up your eyes.

You, you made sure my slippers met their demise! 

I look down at you, as you crawl out on your belly.

Your bottom jaw wobbling like a big bowl of jelly.

You lift up your paw and cock your head to the side.

This one simple action - I look deep into your eyes. 

Guess I don’t need my slippers - well,  not at this time

I mean chewing my slippers is hardly a war crime. 

I lay my hand on your head and you gaze up at me.

Ok boy, I guess you thought you just set my slippers free. 

J C Hicks copyright 31-7-2021


Thursday 29 July 2021

A force of nature 🌊🌕🌞🐋🦈🦭🐟🐳🦀🦞🐙

A force of nature 🌊🌕🌞🐋🦈🦭🐟🐳🦀🦞🐙 

The sea swirling, swishing, sloshing around and around.

The waves smashing onto rocks a somewhat soothing sound. 

The sea that provides such healing qualities,

A place of family fun and endless frivolities.

A place to sit in quiet contemplation 

Helps us sit and discover our core foundations.

A myriad of colours, rich green and deep blue 

That invites you to dip your toes into.

A force which changes the world around us,

Environmental changes which we should discuss.  

Waves crashing down upon the shore, 

Giving up its secrets and so much more.

Shells, stone and sea glass scattered upon the shoreline

Collected by children, laughing, in the summer sunshine. 

A landscape which changes hour by hour,

We sit in awe and wonder at it’s super power.

A force that brings pleasure but also such pain,

As those who lost their lives struggled in vain.

A force to be treated with so much respect.

A force being disrupted by the greenhouse effect. 

We still have so much to learn and we all have so much to do.

Seas suffocated and polluted by plastic shouldn’t remain a subject taboo.

A vast array of creatures and plants live in these seas,

We stand and observe them as we feel that cool sea breeze.

This mighty expanse pulled by the gravitation of the moon

Influencing tides - two forces of nature in perfect attune.

So just take a moment and stop, sit and listen,

As the sun dances on the water and everything glistens.

So take a moment to say a prayer for those lost in the oceans 

Spend a moment with nature and connect deeply with your emotions. 

J C Hicks Copyright 29-7-21

Tuesday 27 July 2021

Wrinkly, crinkly skin …..🤷🏻‍♀️

Wrinkly, crinkly skin …..🤷🏻‍♀️ 

Oh nana why is your skin all wrinkly and thin?

Ah, I say, it’s because my body is well lived in.

Well I don’t want to have skin that’s all wrinkly 

Like a chip that’s not smooth but actually all crinkly!

Did you sit out in the rain for too long?

Or was it because your skin isn’t strong?

I don’t understand how my skin is smooth 

Come on nana I want to hear the truth!

Well child what you must remember

Is that each of these lines represents a memory.

I’ve lived a good long life you see,

I hope you live as long as me!

Oh but nana you are mega old and been around for ever 

That’s why you are so wise and clever.

But why couldn’t you stop your skin from shrinking?

You maybe got it wet too much - that’s what I’m thinking.


No child that’s not the reason for the folds and creases

You see over time our body generally gets weaker.

These deep seated lines are like my battle scars,

If you like it’s a visual reminder of all my memoirs.

It’s an honour to sport such lines as these.

But nana you’ve even got them on your knees! 

Remember it’s not the body that makes a person 

A lesson that you must never stop learning.

Yes my skin is no longer soft and smooth 

But listen carefully while I tell you the truth.

Your body gets slower and yes your skin may shrink! 

I hate to tell you that it may not even stay rosy and pink.

But think of your body like your home

Look after as through life you roam.

But you will learn one day that YOU are your heart and soul.

Your heart, mind and soul are what you can truly control.

Stay true to you and always be grateful and kind,

You don’t want to reach the end without any lines!

So nana, lines are like medals like you win in races 

Except these appear on our arms, legs and faces. 

We should be proud that our skin is creased

It’s not that we should have kept it well greased! 

Yes like your beautiful home you must look after it well 

But your soul is inside like that pearl in the oyster shell.

So live, love and laugh and reach for the stars,

Spread kindness and joy and you will go far! 

Taken from my book - Eloquent (on Amazon) 

Find me on Facebook - Pembrokeshire Poet

 J C Hicks Copyright 27-7-21

Monday 26 July 2021

A snapshot in time….. 🎬🎞🎥


A snapshot in time….. 🎬🎞🎥

Click, click, click - life captured in a moment

Instant videoing that just keeps on rolling.

Media available at the tip of your finger

Creating memories that will forever linger.

What would we recall without these aide memoirs,

Would memories just fall into our minds reservoirs?

Photos capture a moment - a second in time 

Autumn, Winter, Summer and Springtime

All seasons, all times - even our emotions 

Stories told but where words are unspoken. 

A picture that can depict happy family moments 

But what if a beautiful life should be sadly stolen.

These photos stir up a range of different emotions

As humans, grief leaves us in pain and broken.

Photos suddenly take on a whole different value 

Precious moments which stand static in time.

That moment we captured may have felt almost meaningless

But years down the road we view them with fondness.

That view that you love or achieving your goals

Reliving the good times is good for your souls! 

So keep snapping memories and store them away 

For that simple photograph may be priceless one day.

A document of a life that shaped who you became.

Capturing the pleasure, happiness, laughter and pain. 

So keep snapping away wherever you go

For one day that photo may be all you can view.

J C Hicks 26/7/2021 Copyright

Thursday 27 May 2021

Spring has sprung …..

Spring has sprung …..

Chitter chatter oh what a clatter, rising up from the bustling hedgerows.

It is the sound of the springtime natter, as lots of birds have made their new homes.

Homes created to welcome new life, life in a world with so much uncertainty.

Life that is balanced on the edge of a knife,  life that will mean we will have birds for an eternity.

Just stop for a moment and let it all soak in, those beautiful noises as they sing out their song.

Some sound so delicate and others make a din, they will call out their birdsong all day long.

Each song is different and has its own beauty, sounds blending naturally in to the background.

Each bird is busily carrying out their duty, days spent between the nest, sky and ground.

Searching out food to feed to their chicks, protecting their nests from all sorts of dangers.

They find safety in bushes, trees, shoes even bricks! Hiding away from all sorts of strangers.

Behind every bush there is a story to tell, a poor little creature trying to perpetuate life.

Sometimes their song is a warning bell, looking out for each other to help avoid strife. 

So just take that moment to stop, look and listen, you will find that’s there’s birdsong nearly everywhere. 

Think of those birds living daily with frisson, but most of all let’s appreciate that spring is in the air. 

J C Hicks 27/05/2021 Copyright