
Tuesday 31 January 2023

A Dog Should Be For Life

A Dog Should Be For Life

Another long, dark lonely night.
Sat pondering my awful plight. 
I sit and watch the sun rise up.
A sight I loved when I was a pup.

I bury my head into my bed.
At least here I do get fed.
That lovely lady takes me walkies.
I cock my head while she tells me stories.

I look deep into her dark brown eyes.
Maybe she needs me to apologise.
I’m not sure why - I’ve done no wrong.
But she won’t take me home where I belong.

She comes each day to take me out.
But leaves me here no matter how loud I shout.
I don’t understand what it is I’ve done. 
I think back to the days when life was fun.

I had a family who loved me dearly. 
I must have done something wrong, clearly. 
One day they bundled me into the car.
We took a journey that was so bizarre.

I tried to comfort them on the way. 
As tears streamed down their faces. 
Then they left me at this strange place.
They said I’d be kept warm and safe.

And here I’ve been for oh so long.
I no longer have a home where I belong. 
People come and sit and cuddle me.
But none of them set me free.

So here I sit in this caged, suffocating prison.
Sitting, waiting to be a family’s new addition. 
I long to lie in a sun filled garden again.
With a trip to the beach every now and then. 

I curl down and listen to my room mates.
What if I’m stuck here in this place.
I had a family, I had a home.
And now I sit here - all alone 💔.

J C Hicks ©️ copyright 31-1-2023

Monday 30 January 2023

Riches of Life

Riches of Life 

Dear God

I know you don’t hear from me much
You may say we are out of touch
But I’m struggling and need a friend
Someone to help my broken heart mend.

I have no money and I have no hope
It’s hard day to day just to cope.
“My child, what’s the problem - I’m always here.
Don’t worry, speak freely and with no fear.”

My children just need more and more.
Every day feels like a huge chore.
“My child, what is that your children need?”
So much it makes my sad heart bleed.

“My child, don’t get sad and so upset.
You’ve lived a life with no regret.”
But I can’t give my children what they want.
Their friends have started to mock and taunt.

“My child, I ask you to open your eyes.
Look beyond just the immediate skies.”
I don’t understand what is it that you mean.
“I mean look beyond what it is you’ve seen.”

“Do your children have food in their belly?
They don’t go around dirty and smelly.
Do they sleep with a roof over their head?
Have they got their own cosy bed?”

Well yes Lord, they do have those things.
But it’s the other things pulling at my heartstrings.
They want the latest games and mobile phone 
They want new toys and a flying drone.

They want the latest designer clothes.
I can barely ensure theirs have no holes.
“My child, open your eyes and look wider.
You really are their steady, reliable provider.”

I really don’t understand what you mean?
Look beyond what I have seen?
“My child, do you really think you are poor?
Because you do not live a life of grandeur?”

“Riches aren’t made up of money in the bank.
Your life is so rich, it’s not dark and dank.
You have a roof above your head.
Children asleep in their own bed.”

“Your family is safe, dry and warm.
You keep them away from any harm.
You all have your health and each other.
Surely this makes you the best mother?”

“You may feel poor and inadequate.
You really mustn’t feel second rate.
Look beyond your own small horizon.
In other countries there are those barely surviving.”

“Riches come from deep within your heart.
Shelter, warmth, food - that’s a great start.
Some children in the world have none of this.
Some have nothing, roaming streets, motherless.”

“So give thanks for the good things in your life.
There are always others with more trouble and strife.
There will always be others who have so much more
But remember there are those who are truly poor.”

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 30-1-2023

Tuesday 24 January 2023

Benji and Lucy Lou are off on a trip ….🥳

Benji and Lucy Lou are off on a trip 

She’s taking us in the car
I wonder if we are going far?
I am so excited I can’t keep quiet 
Come on let’s start a riot! 

She’s put us in the back together.
Oh I do hope this is a trip for pleasure.
Let’s sing a song, loud and sharp
Intertwined with a few loud barks. 

I think we may be heading to the beach.
Let’s use this time to plan our siege.
There’s bound to be other dogs there.
Man maybe there will be dogs everywhere!

I’m buzzing I can’t stop whining.
Hey we can even go off rock climbing.
We can dip our paws into the rock pools.
Do zoomies like a couple of fools.

Oh hang on a minute - what’s this.
She’s turned off and telling us to sit. 
This road does look a bit familiar.
Somethings a foot - this is peculiar.

Oh no I really don’t like this.
I’m changing my whining to a higher pitch.
She’s taking us to that horrible place.
I’m desperately doing a memory retrace.

Yes it is the place - the place that I hate. 
Oh man I hope this visit is for you mate.
Last time I was here he stuck his finger up my bottom.
He also rather rudely said my breath was rotten! 

I’m sat in the back simpering and shaking.
Well to be honest I’m actually quaking. 
Here she comes to get me out
Ready Lucy Lou - do your pout.

I dig my heels in and put my head down.
I will do my best to give her the run around.
It’s no good she’s dragged me in.
I’m sitting here completely on pins.

The man comes out and looks around.
Well this is it - the final countdown. 
What delights will it be today.
Prodded and poked much to my dismay.

The man steps forward and I cower down.
I need to escape so I look all around.
The man shouts out  “Lucy Lou”.
Ha ha - I turn - that’s you! That’s you!

Your face has dropped, your ears are down.
But me whoop whoop I’m dancing round.
The man turns to walk away 
He stops and has one more thing to say …..

Bring Benji through as well …….
What me? I don’t even feel unwell!
It’s no good resisting she’s dragging me through.
Oh heck - I think I may need the loo! 

J C Hicks ©️ copyright 24-1-23

Sunday 22 January 2023

Child’s Play

Child’s Play 

Everything’s is new and needs exploring.
No minute is dull and no day is boring.
Every surface feels suspiciously strange.
But not everything is yet in my range.
What’s over here? I am very curious.
Whatever it is, it looks rather glorious.

Oh but here we go I’m being pulled up.
Mum has come along and my games up.
As hard as I try I never quite get there.
Mum is always there telling me to beware.
But everything looks so exciting and tempting 
I don’t understand why she’s trying to protect me.

As I toddle around I seek out new items.
But wherever I trundle my mums always frightened.
As soon as I pick up that object to lick 
She’s taken it off me - darn that woman is slick.
We went out with the dogs for a little walk.
How did I know you are not meant to eat leafstalks?

We went to this place called a beach.
I was soon just out of my mum's reach.
I look at the substance beneath my feet
Wow that looks pretty, good enough to eat.
I grab at a handful of those tiny grains 
In my mouth I pop it mmm it sure is strange.

It’s gritty, hard and crunchy as well. 
I’m thinking I will also lick my seashell.
I bring the shell up towards my mouth 
Before I know it mum has pulled it out.
She’s shouting again, sometimes she’s no fun.
I think this could be my cue to just run! 

At home mum has things she calls candles.
I like to chew them but she thinks that’s a scandal!
She’s up out her chair and like that, it’s gone 
Here she goes, she’s going to ramble on.
I mustn’t eat that they don’t taste nice 
She’s pleading with me to follow her advice.

Her advice is so boring as I mustn’t touch this,
She goes on and on and then she wants a kiss! 
I really don’t get it, this woman filled with love.
As she’s tutting and moving candles way up above.
I don’t understand why she’s spoiling my fun. 
I think I may win this game in the long run.

I sit and stare at the array of toys.
They are colourful and lots make a noise. 
I glance round the room so much to explore.
That’s without what lies beyond that door. 
I will just post my toys through that slot I can see.
Oh man here’s my mum and once again she disagrees. 

Apparently toys must go away in “the box”.
My cars, the trains, the teddy’s and blocks.
I’m not to put them under the settee.
And apparently the toilet doesn’t “set them free”.
So many rules I just don’t understand.
Sometimes I just scream and lie on the ground. 

But my mum smooths my hair and kisses my head.
She gently tells me the days done and it’s time for bed.
I am rather tired, it’s hard work being an explorer.
Maybe tomorrow it will all seem much clearer. 
I do seem to learn a little bit more each day.
Wow it’s really hard work this child’s play! 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 22-1-23

Thursday 19 January 2023

The Deep Grip of Grief

The Deep Grip of Grief 

Grief you swarm in suffocating every emotion.

Like a dark substance you silently creep everywhere.

Seeping through every part of my mind and body.

Clouding everything- removing all feelings.

Leaving me numb.

Pain crawling up from the pit of my stomach.

Your grip around my throat is so tight.

 I cannot speak.

I cannot breathe.

I cannot think.

You swept in like someone in a rage.

Turning everything in my life upside down.

Nothing makes sense anymore.

Everything seems pointless.

A deep fog swirling around my mind.

I can’t see.

I can’t hear.

I can’t feel.

Life changed forever.

I sit alone in the darkness.

I don’t want other people's comfort.

Other people's kind words.

Other people's warm embrace.

Other people want to hug my pain away.

It feels like there is no point in continuing.

Without you.

My rock.

My anchor.

Day’s feel endless.

Like there’s no beginning or end.

I feel as if my feet are in concrete blocks.

Every step is an effort.

Every word forced out of my mouth.

My mouth that was once filled with laughter.

I wake up.

Another day ahead of me.

I look towards the window.

I stare at the light forcing its way through the tiniest gap.

I think if that light can find a way to shine through that tiny gap, surely I can find the strength to live my life.

I look at the shard of light, falling onto the carpet.

I track its root - amazed how far that small beam reaches.

I wonder if my life has been as wide reaching.

I look at the sunlight shining in and notice how when it bounces off other objects it changes.

Beautiful lilacs, pinks, yellow, gold and green 

It’s fascinating that one chink can touch so much.

In that moment I realise that I still have so much to offer.

So many other lives that I can help.

I can shine my light into their world.

In their darkness I can help be their light.

I smile - I sense you are nearby.

I sense you are telling me “you can do this”

I sense that I still have a purpose.

This is a new chapter in my life. 

As I start to heal I feel the dark grip of grief lessen its hold on me.

I know that the grief will never leave me - it’s part of me - some days it may be all of me but other days I will be that chink of light and spread my rainbow of hope to others. 

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 19/1/23

Wednesday 18 January 2023

How far is it between earth and heaven?

 How Far is it between earth and heaven? 

It’s a long way between heaven and earth
You look up at the sky - I look back to your birth.
Above lies sky, clouds, stars, planets and moons.
Some places only seen by a meteorological balloon.

Yes we can stand and admire heavens night show.
As the stars and planets emerge and gently glow.
But what if the journey from earth to heaven 
Is actually living and our daily life lessons.

It starts with your birth - the day you were born 
Right until the moment from where there is no return. 
Your life may long or it may be short 
Lived alone or with lots of support.

So what is the journey from earth to heaven?
That is the lifelong unanswered question. 
Most of us live every day in a mundane fashion 
Some live life fast paced which oozes passion.

We constantly look to others for approval.
Other peoples opinions seem to be crucial.
We can’t seem to live life in our own lane.
Accepting the joys along with the pain.

Each day that breaks is another one of our journey 
Some days idyllic whilst some feel quite stormy.
But whatever the bumps in that lifelong road
We must keep on learning as our life unfolds.

So when we reach our life journeys end 
And to our final resting place we do wend
Reflect on the path your life journey took you.
All that your mind, soul and body went through.

This marks the distance between earth and heaven 
Your life should have felt like a special procession 
So as you sit and reflect on your life today 
Just remember live life to the fullest, come what may.

J C Hicks copyright ©️ 18/1/2023


Wednesday 11 January 2023

That old jumper

That old jumper

 As you go through life you accumulate things

accumulate accumulate accumulate

clothing, jewellery, books, ornaments, photos

material things


but you also accumulate people

forge friendships over time

people - like clothing in our wardrobe

we keep adding to the wardrobe

adding adding adding

the wardrobe gets fuller and fuller

and that once cherished jumper gets pushed further and further back

you now no longer wear it - but yet you can't let it go

you pick it up, hold it and a flood of memories wash over you

you remember that trip to the theatre, the time you fell over out walking

the time you were told a loved one had died, the time your new puppy lay on it

a garment, a thing, an item but yet you feel an emotional attachment to it

so you see people can feel like that clothing

we travel through life, along our path meeting lots of people as we go

some we try on for size and the fit is just not right 

so many others we have a strong bond with but as time passes it lessens

you don't love them any less but with all the new things entering your life

they slowly ebb further away

but yet when you think of them your heart is full of joy

so many good times and memories that your cherish

so whilst you may no longer see them regularly your still hold them dear

so like that beautiful faithful old jumper you still want it in your life

because you know that you could just pick it back up and it would still fit just right

J C Hicks copyright 5-1-2023