
Sunday 19 April 2020

Family reunited ....... one day ..... soon 🤞🏻

When I see your faces again it will be a moment to cherish
Those kisses and hugs will be moments I will relish.
I will pull you close, drew in a deep breath and take in your smell
No longer will I complain if you continuously ring my Prosecco please bell!
That first hug will be so special,  I will cling on and squeeze you so tight
Like a limpet on a rock never letting go - hugging you with all my might.
My face will light up as you run towards me, my open arms ready to wrap you up
I will scoop you up and lift you so high, like Mufusa and his precious baby cub.
I will shout to the world so all can hear - rejoice so loudly your ears will hurt
But I won’t really care as I think we have established - I’m a bit of an extrovert!
If I close my eyes and sit very quietly I can see your faces, hear your voices
Run my fingers through your hair even chew your squishy little ears!
We’ve never spent so much time apart and these moments have broken my heart
But our reunion will be so much sweeter, we really won’t know where to start.
I can’t wait to hold you close to me, to read you stories and walk around the mill
Create new memories as I know we will - just watching TV as together we chill.
We will have so many things to do once the lockdown is over and we can see you
We can go to Folly Farm, crabbing with Dom and walk Lazy Lucy and Benji Boo.
Happier times are on the way but for the moment it’s home we must stay
But when we finally meet cuddles and kisses will be the order of the day!
So you best build your muscles up ready for nana’s squeezes
You will find that my love, hugs and kisses are real crowd pleasers!
In the meantime we will call, whatsapp, FaceTime and zoom
It really is the closest to being here in the room.
So know that we love you and we can’t wait to see you
You will soon be travelling to a welsh rendezvous!  đŸ´ó §ó ˘ó ˇó Źó łó ż

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