
Monday 27 April 2020

Lows followed by a little high - RIP Woody ❤️ C25K run 3 👍🏻

Well it’s been a mixed day today - sad moment and minor achievement

There is a commotion in the garden - what’s that noise outside
We go out to investigate and oh no poor Woody’s died 😢.
That beautiful glorious woodpecker who visits year on year
Now lying lifeless on the lawn - the cause of death unclear 😭

Rest in peace lovely Woody, we are so sad that you met your demise in our garden 😢.

I did my day of work and really didn’t want to run
After sitting at my laptop I felt that I was done.
I couldn’t hide away and fail so early on
So that was it, I was heading out for my run.
I leashed up Benji Boo who was delighted at this thought
His tail was wagging madly and Poor Lucy looking fraught
No Lucy couldn’t come she is far too fat and slow
It was only Benji Boo who could run with blogger Joe.
So we set off on our way with our app set to run three
Couch to 5k blaring in my ears as I suddenly felt free.
I plod around my course running then a walk
Breathing rather heavily and my eyes out on stalks
I make it back to home another run complete
Lucy Lou is looking at me and I’m no longer feeling beat
So it’s a quick change of dogs like I’m suddenly in a relay
So off go Lucy Lou and I without anymore delay.
A much slower pace is set with Lucy Lou at my side
We manage a slow jog - you may even say a glide.
Another run completed and we’re getting back in track
Look out my lovely friends it looks like runner

Hicks is back .....

Maybe - just maybe - watch this space 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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