
Saturday 4 April 2020

Home schooling - oh what fun ๐Ÿ˜‚

We are going to have to isolate for a little while
But honestly we can do lots that will make us smile.
Little Lucy can draw rainbows to her hearts content
Ben can construct a Lego bridge - time that’s so well spent.

We will set up a fabulous home schooling spot
I’m a little worried that I may look a like a clot. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿป‍♀️
It’s going to be wonderful mummy teaching math
There won’t be tears, tantrums or you seeing my wrath

We will sit for hours reading books and cuddling on the settee
We will sit a while in peace and quiet watching buzzing bees.
It’s going to be idyllic, such a precious time
Sliding out of spring into gorgeous summertime.

Two weeks on and here we are, still stuck in the house
The home school area in a pile - the chalk turned to dust.
I haven’t washed my hair in days it’s looking rather lank
I had to have a shower as the kids told me that I stank.

I’ve switched from buying bottles of wine it’s better from the box
I don’t know how many tines I’ve tripped over Ben’s building blocks!
Lucy doesn’t want to draw a picture for the key workers ๐ŸŒˆ
Doesn’t she know I need her to be quiet coz I’m now a homeworker. ๐Ÿ™ˆ

I’m trying to stay calm - keep calm and carry on
My windows full of pictures that the kids have drawn
I will never get those marks off that dull and smeared glass
Oh jeepers now they want a picnic sitting on the grass.

No I haven’t got sausage rolls, strawberries, crisps or cake
I know these are  the picnic things we normally like to take. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿป‍♀️
Please don’t cry again because you cannot have your way
 I am fed up of explaining we must stay in, come what may.

You’d like to do some baking,  the umpteenth  time you’ve asked
Yes I know that would be great fun and it’s always such a blast
But I have no butter, eggs or flour
Oh no here you go another great big howler.

My husband is so helpful sitting watch the T.V. ๐Ÿ˜ก
Moaning when we say we are going to do Oti
But you’ve already done Joe Wicks - your home
His whining voice is really grating to my bones.

It’s such a long day I remind him with a big wide smile
If we wear out Ben and Lucy it really will have been worthwhile.
He lets out a long big sigh handing over the remote
Why don’t you take a walk I say - let me get you your coat. ๐Ÿคจ

Who knew there would be pressure to keep the house so clean
Because everyone is face timing from work to Aunty Jean.
Peoples houses look immaculate - show houses, quite pristine
I’m just looking for a corner that sort of looks quite clean. ๐Ÿ™ˆ

Oh man this isn’t what I imagined, it’s not the family dream
My husband and my kids are a load of drama queens. ๐Ÿ‘‘
They’ve fought over the iPad and what to have for lunch
I’m worrying about the future as we head for a credit crunch. ๐Ÿ’ด

We are now living in our PJs and nobody really cares
What’s the point in doing makeup, nails or hair.
The highlight of our week is the weekly national clap
To thank all the heroes - a chorus all gift wrapped.

I’m so glad it is Easter and the school work put to bed
I don’t know how these teachers really don’t go off their heads.
Who knew teaching could be so fraught with much frustration
That glass of deep rich red wine has been my one salvation!

Don’t be fooled by those social media posts where families look idyllic
They will drive you round the bend and make you imbecilic.
That photo is a snap shot not showing what went before
When the kids were lying face down crying on the floor ๐Ÿ˜‚.

So don’t be too hard on you, them or him
Even when times are feeling pretty grim.
It’s just a chapter in our lives
The true key is to survive ❤️

J C Hicks Copyright 3-4-2020

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